  • Feeling lost, confused, and disoriented because I don’t know where I am or where I’m going in a life that seems to have no purpose other than my suffering. Feeling unsure and bewildered because I don’t know who I am or who I want to be. Feeling perplexed and unclear because nothing makes sense, from the feelings of an individual like me to the actions of society as a whole, nothing makes sense, and so much of this society has as little a purpose as my own existence. Feeling Bri’ish because I miss the glorious days of my past, when I felt on top of the world and was able to convince myself that I had a bright future, and now all I can do is daydream, drink to forget all the suffering I’ve caused, and pretend that the bad days will be over soon (they won’t).

      • I don’t think this is the time or place for a snarky, overused meme response. This person is suffering and hurting and being vulnerable by sharing their heavy feelings and your reaction is to be mean and basically mock them. Why?

        I’m hoping maybe you somehow had harmless intentions and just don’t understand how that comes off…but it came off reeeeal shitty.

    • I’m sorry. I relate. I wish I knew what else to say! I’m sorry you’re suffering and I hope you’re able to find some bright spots in life and things look up for you soon.

      • Thank you, and I hope the same comes true for you, too. I never know what to say either :3 Maybe things will get better once I’ve finally got my degree and can leave university behind because I’m kinda sick of it. Maybe I’ll find a job that’s not terrible and soul-draining. That’d be nice.