According to MIT, this technology works even at small scale, with one the size of a suitcase able to desalinate 6 litres per hour, and only needing to be serviced every few years.

Here’s a video detailing how it works.

  • OP, you made a mistake in the title. This doesn’t scale down to suitcase size. It scales up to suitcase size. Which makes sense - water circulation powered by passive solar heating can only go so far.

    And if you notice, the device is fueled by sunlight - so it needs a 3x3 square of shallow water for each “suitcase”. The devices can’t stack on top of one another. If you start putting these down along the coast you quickly run out of space - and the coastal habitat where these devices would sit is extremely valuable to both humans and animals, and if you put them too close together you start having problems with salt runoff accumulating.

    This could supply fresh water for poor coastal villages or off grid homesteads. It doesn’t scale to cities.

  • Desalination has gotta be the key to absorbing carbon. We could create artificial oases (is that the plural of oasis? lmao) in Africa, Australia, and the western US and Mexico. Unlimited water for agricultural needs as well as perhaps being used to expand and grow forests. Idk if that would work but it would help a food and water security crisis while also absorbing more carbon right? Any smart people here?

    • None to very little. This device is a solar evaporator, so most the minerals would stay behind. Some minerals will be carried up by convection with the evaporating water, but not a lot.

      In a reverse osmosis plant, it uses tiny filters that only allow water molecules and smaller to pass through, so it would be possible for some lithium or other small minerals to get through.

        • Fresh water also has very little in the way of minerals. From what I could find, most of them are in the range of 1% of your daily requirement per liter. The exceptions are calcium, sodium and chloride, and iodine. Iodine in water already varies enough that it is already supplemented in salt, low sodium and chloride is rarely a problem and can be easily corrected with table salt, and that leaves calcium. It is pretty high in harder water, but that still only hits about 10% of your daily intake per liter. If you drink a lot of harder water and don’t eat a lot of high calcium foods, this could matter.

          So yes, you should be aware of this for distilled or reverse osmosis water, but you may not have to change anything depending on your diet.

      • There isn’t much that gets through in reverse osmosis. It’s very soft water.

        Lithium extraction is exciting, though. There’s some projects out there that suggest the process would be profitable on the non-lithium minerals alone, and then you get clean drinking water on top of it.

    •  ProdigalFrog   ( ) OP
      8 months ago

      Because the device is tilted, saltier water flows out of the device and back into the main salt water reservoir due to having more mass than the less salty water. As long as the main reservoir was regularly flushed with new salt water, it would never become dangerously concentrated to marine life, which is a major advantage.

    • If you can get it dry enough, there are huge underground salt mines that could be back filled.

      But an larger ocean usually has enough currents that it dillutes out well enough to not be a major issue.