•  SkyNTP   ( @SkyNTP@lemmy.ml ) 
    8 months ago

    Justice Richard Mosley wrote that the decision the government made to declare a national emergency was beyond what was called for.

    Nah. It was called for. On all accounts.

    Intimidation and a siege right at the heart of our nation’s democracy is a national emergency.

  • So what was the right answer? Ford already abandoned his responsibilty. How was the federal government suppose to react after weeks of protest? Can we park an 18 wheeler at the judges home and air horn the neighbourhood for months and expect no one to react?

    • ya i don’t get this. Ford does not and no premier should give the OPP orders. They can pass laws and expect the OPP to enforce them but elected members are not the boss of our police force.

  •  grte   ( @grte@lemmy.ca ) 
    148 months ago

    Well that will certainly go to appeal. I watched (and listened, through their Zello channels) that entire event very closely. I was still laid off from covid at that point so I had the time. The local authorities were doing sweet FA and the federal government was absolutely justified in doing what it did. After 3+ weeks of no action by local authorities and thus no movement with clearing this siege the feds stepped in and cleared it up in a day or two. That shows how little resolve the convoy participants really had and thus how little the Ottawa police were interested in doing their jobs.

    • Now now, the cops were doing something: they tried to break up the Ottawa people at Billing’s Bridge who were preventing more trucks from getting downtown.

      The cops weren’t sitting on their asses, they were complicit.

    • I agree, as someone who also did follow it closely they had no choice. They had a bunch of people acting against them politically, and stopping anything from being resolved.

      I was suprised to hear this and fully expect a reversal on appeal.

  • Stealing this from a post on Mastodon, just to provide some clarity.

    1. The judge said he would have supported invoking #EmergenciesAct had he been sitting at the cabinet table. With the information they had at the time, Cabinet did the right thing.

    2. It’s only with the benefit of hindsight, which the federal cabinet did not have, that the judge determines they erred.

    3. Invoking the Act in #Ottawa & #Ontario was proper. He merely disputes invoking it nation-wide.