• The ending left me a bit dissatisfied to be honest. Okay, they tied the stooge couple (prince x Alicia), killed the demon lord, had Alicia backstab Yumiella (instead of the two stooges)… but what about Eleonora?

    Small cute detail: Ryuu following Patrick’s orders. It shows how much time Patrick and Yumiella spent together, to the point that her dragon-sized puppy trusts him.

    • Understandable. If/when we see Season 2, we will have A LOT more on Eleonora, i hope we do.

      That’s the problem with ongoing stories, it doesn’t help much the anime-only people when told “Yeah, what you want to see is on Book X which might never be adapted to anime”. And in this case it HAS to be on the books because the manga is behind the anime, the novels are the ones multiple books ahead of both.

      I do still recommend going to the books though, up to at least Book 3 which is my favorite of what we have so far.

  •  wjs018   ( @wjs018@ani.social ) OP
    76 months ago

    And here it is, the end. I will be sad to see this one go. Yumiella was such a fun character, largely thanks to the great VA work by Fairouz Ai. When she was trying to convince the boys to save Alicia at the end, her voice cracked me up.

    I will say that the way this fight plays out is a bit different in the source that I read. In the original source, there isn’t any kind of “game plot” driving force that controls Alicia’s actions. Instead, Alicia takes it upon herself to kill Yumiella out of fear of her power and dark magic. I don’t particularly mind this change because it makes more sense that Alicia wouldn’t want to kill Yumiella at this point due to the friendship they have tried to build. Alicia might still see Yumiella as some ominous dark mass, but she is a heroine, she should be prone to trying to see the best in people. The only thing I don’t really like about the change is that this “game force” trying to right the story just feels a bit lazy. I almost wish it actually was the demon lord controlling her, that would have been more interesting imo.

    I am not holding my breath for a season 2, but if we do get one, there is plenty of content to adapt. This first season just adapted the first LN volume, so there is lots more material to go. However, I haven’t read too much further than this in the source (and really don’t remember it well past this point), so I can’t speak too much to how good the content might be. I will say, that if this humor sensibility from the show connected with you, then it is pretty spot on to what I read of the source. So, I would recommend checking out the LNs.

    • Up to book 4 here. I BADLY want the anime to succeed at least enough to let them add two more seasons, JUST so that we see Book 3 adapted. I REALLY wanna see that animated, was my fav of the 4 we have translated so far. And as a bonus, S2 should have an episode where we will see drunk Yumiella, that alone makes it worth adapting the whole thing 😂

      Still, until we have word that they have greenlit more seasons i recommend people to go to the books (the manga still hasn’t finished Book 1 so the anime is further ahead).

  •  zabadoh   ( @zabadoh@ani.social ) 
    66 months ago

    I wonder what level the Demon Lord was?

    For all that time warring and plotting, he seemed pretty easy for Yumiella…

    Alicia & Co. trying to defeat Yumiella if she was the actual hidden boss would be difficult indeed.

    “A trash game” as someone else might say.

    • Yumiella said something like “it takes a party of lvl 60 to defeat the demon lord”, and assuming an exponential exp to level function (as with most video games), I suppose the demon lord should be around level 75 or so. It’s just a quick estimation based on a half-remembered line from the anime though. But regardless, given that Patrick has just gotten to level 60, and was implied to be the hardest-working among the cast, I suppose Alicia and co’s average level is less than that. Perhaps level 50?

      Alicia & Co. trying to defeat Yumiella if she was the actual hidden boss would be difficult indeed.

      I’m curious as to what might lead to this. Perhaps Yumiella herself got roped in by the story to become the hidden boss. Perhaps Patrick gets killed, with Yumiella herself being framed for it. At any rate, she’d easily be casted as the true end boss, and entire armies across all kingdoms and nations will be sent to defeat her.

      •  zabadoh   ( @zabadoh@ani.social ) 
        46 months ago

        I’m curious as to what might lead to this.

        I was speculating that if playing the game, an actual player fighting the hidden boss Yumiella would be unfairly difficult if she was level 99.

        • Ahh, I see~

          If I am remembering the first episode correctly, it was only after the MC realized that they isekaied into Yumiella that they started to grinding to level 99. If I am going by my earlier estimate of level 75 for the demon lord, Yumiella should be a few handful of levels above that, but perhaps not at the level cap.

          But then again, from my experience of JRPGs, hidden bosses are way harder than end-of-story content. For example, Omega Weapon is way harder than Ultimecia in Final Fantasy 8. If we’re taking that into account, Yumiella might as well be at the level cap and then her stats artificially pumped up to increase the difficulty. She’d then spam the hell out of her abilities just to keep the players on their toes or something.

          • Considering the mention of a party being recommended to be at least level 60 before fighting the Dark Lord, plus some of the things that happen on Book 3 without spoiling anything, the original boss-version Yumiella never was close to the level cap, so my guess would be:

            • Current anime party close to but not up to level 60
            • Dark Lord at about level 65
            • Game Yumiella at about level 70

            So yeah, Our Yumiella should be able to easily defeat the Dark Lord at this point.

            Now, entering Book 3 heavy Spoiler territory (don’t look if you haven’t read it) to further justify these numbers:


            Yumiella 2 was the only Boss Yumiella survivor on the multiverse branch beating the Hero party because she used our Yumiella leveling techniques, so she was much stronger than normal boss Yumiella, but was still weaker than OUR Yumiella, so she never broke the level cap. That leaves my estimate of her level on Book 3 at somewhere above level 70 up to 80, maybe something in the lower 80s, but lower than level 90.

            •  megane-kun   ( @megane_kun@lemm.ee ) 
              6 months ago

              My takeaway here is that Game Yumiella is pretty much possible to beat given enough patience, lol!

              Just grind way past level 70, outfit your party with the best gear in the game, and you’re good to go! But then again, everyone making a big deal about how Our Yumiella has reached level 99 may perhaps mean that gaining levels above a certain point (let’s just assume level 60) the exp needed to gain one level is so insane, and mobs don’t give enough exp.

              I’m just spitballing here though, but I’m glad that my quick guess from what we’re given in the anime (and some basic assumptions) doesn’t seem that far off.

              EDIT: Fixed misleading punctuation.

              • As Yumiella herself explained i think on episode 1, you can beat the Dark Lord when you’re after certain level with strategy and good playing, but Game Yumiella pretty much needed brute force. This pretty much reflects the experience on many JRPGs (most of my experience on these is with Final Fantasy where it amply applies), you can beat the Final Boss with strategy and the right combination of skills and whatever without needing to grind much, but when there’s a hidden boss you goddamn better grind a lot and level up to even have a remote chance, damn your skills and all that. Game Yumiella seems to be in this exact spot. The things on Book 3 that i mention help in determining the levels but we just don’t know for sure without the author explicitly giving numbers anywhere (anyone around with the right connections wanna ask for us? Pretty please? 😄)

                • but when there’s a hidden boss you goddamn better grind a lot and level up to even have a remote chance, damn your skills and all that

                  HAHA! That pretty much sums up my own personal experience in fighting hidden bosses in FF7, FF8 and FF9. Not sure if there’s still such a tradition in more modern FF games tho. But man, I remember having to grind card games in FF8 just to gather enough cards to turn into consumable items just to give me a chance of lasting so many turns in the Omega Weapon fight. In FF9, I had to play that stupid Chocobo minigame for hours on end just to gather the materials. Ahem. I’m rambling. But yeah, I agree. Grinding is but the start with such hidden bosses. You grind for levels, you grind for equipment, you grind for materials and consumables all for a chance of defeating the hidden boss.

                  Going back on topic though, thinking about it from the author’s POV, it might be more helpful if they don’t give specific numbers or even a narrow range of figures to keep their options open (the LN is still ongoing, right).

  • This anime started off pretty strong, but the last 4 or 5 episodes saw a decline in quality imo. It start slowing down to almost a crawl, some episodes almost feeling like filler, and then at the final 2 episodes, it’s like the studio realised ‘oh shit, only 2 episodes left to wrap things up’ and rushed the story like hell. That especially hurt my enjoyment of this anime. 11 and 12 just felt like summaries, far removed from the rest of the series. Started off as a 7 to a 7,5, ended at a 6 to 6,5 for me.

    •  wjs018   ( @wjs018@ani.social ) OP
      26 months ago

      I agree that the pacing could have been done better. It’s been a while since I read it, but I remember thinking that the fight against the demon lord happened quite suddenly (and ended just as quickly) in the source as well.

      • Fair. It’s not just the fight itself though. Episode 11 is the lead up to the fight. From Yumiella’s parents trying to assassinate her and solving it in half an ep and then the entire lead up to the final ep being the rest of the ep, even though a lot happened there. Both could’ve used at least an episode (or even 2).