• I hate the euphemism of “joining”. It’s not a happy union of two groups of like-minded people deciding to pool their resources to better do what they do.

    It’s one set of suits paying another set of suits a boatload of money to fuck off, then firing half the people who created the value that made it worth to talk about in the first place.

    Acquisitions are not a happy sunshine and rainbows thing, it’s one corporation devouring another to gorge itself ever bigger.

        • Apple is a cute little name. If we called them Malus (latin name for genus of apples), we might think differently about them.

          Anti Commercial AI thingy

          CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

          Inserted with a keystroke running this script on linux with X11

          #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
          #!nix-shell -i bash --packages xautomation xclip
          sleep 0.2
          (echo '::: spoiler Anti Commercial AI thingy
          [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
          Inserted with a keystroke running this script on linux with X11
          cat "$0"
          echo '```
          :::') | xclip -selection clipboard
          xte "keydown Control_L" "key V" "keyup Control_L"
      • Or how about we don’t link to marketing articles then??

        The real news story for this event is that a big company paid another company a boat load of money to make their app closed source and then launched it while pretending to be a privacy app.

  • Beeper iirc is the basis for most matrix bridges I use. I‘m not sure this is a good development since I found nothing about their code staying open source which is would be really bad. Another company to try and steal the communities work for profit.

  • This is an ad. The real story is that Automattic paid them a ton of money, closed the source of their app, and launched this shitty inauditable app while pretending to he an open source project

    If the encryption happens in the client and the client source isn’t available, then all cliams for security are incredible.