The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.

  • I didn’t like summers or winters where I used to live, so I moved to somewhere where I like both seasons. Then moved again to somewhere that I love all four seasons.

    But I get what you’re saying; you’re describing the summers of my childhood. Hot and humid so you feel like you need a cold shower within 5 minutes of walking outside. Sticky by day, swarmed by mosquitos at night.

    But you lost me at the sand bit. I love the beach and ocean when it’s like 10-30°C out. Colder and hotter are okay, too, but not as nice.

  • I love the spring and summer. I have fibromyalgia and the pain and fatigue is much better during the warmer months. I like the sunny weather as it cheers me up. The people outside make me feel like I’m on a holiday even when I’m not. It’s the time of the year I feel the most motivated to do anything and I actually have the energy to do it.

    Aside from that, the summer heat doesn’t bother me that much. It’s much better than the freezing cold for me. Unless it’s almost 40°C, but I don’t think anyone likes these high temperatures.

    I agree with you about the mosquitoes, though.

  • It definitely is for me, with pretty much the same reasons as the ones you’ve listed. I spent most of the last two summers indoors, because the heat was just unbearable. My friends and I hung out in the evenings, when we could take short walks without discharging a small lake’s worth of sweat. I can’t wait for autumn to arrive.

  • Allergies by day, mosquitoes by night, heat during work, rain during leisure, it can get pretty bad. Autumn is awesome, it’s nicer out with no forces of nature used against anyone and the festivities and aesthetics are amazing, but Spring and Summer make the wait challenging.

  •  Eugenia   ( ) 
    14 months ago

    As someone who lives in Greece, 10 minutes from the beach, I actually agree with you. I never liked the Greek heat. I like the sea when there’s not many people in it though.

  • Honestly, how it’s been so far here this year, it’s pretty much the perfect season. Temperature during the day between 18C and 25C. Warm in the sun, but with a cold wind. Cooler in the night, so I can sleep decently. And nice and sunny, with very long daylight. I always notice that I’m a lot happier when it’s light outside, so I’m feeling a lot better in this weather. I do agree that the 30+ C days and 20+ C nights are hell, mostly because airco’s aren’t that common here