•  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    113 months ago

    I went meatless for a year and discovered that a lack of animal protein seems to exacerbate my PTSD symptoms. It did make me a lot more creative with veggies, though.

    I definitely think there’s something to be said for the average meal contributing to the torture and slaughter of less than one animal per year versus contributing to hundreds.

    What a horrible equation to have to consider. We really are, as a species, pretty monstrous. We normalize all the horrible shit people do to other living beings, to the environment, and to one another, but it’s seriously worrying behavior. If you don’t grant us the charity of looking from within a framework of the primacy of human needs, we really kinda make our fantasy monsters seem pretty laid back and non-violent by comparison.

  •  Nighed   ( @Nighed@feddit.uk ) 
    113 months ago

    Is this an American, no animal welfare regulations environmental problem or a global one?

    The strange thing here substitution wise is that IMO fake chicken is closer to real chicken in quality than fake beef is (that you can get as mince anyway). So it’s easier to substitute out the chicken than the beef.

    • Yeah I definitely understand your perspective. I’m equal parts vegetarian, pescetarian, and vegan. But I’m not planning on skipping the fish just yet. It’s linked to my heritage.

      • I’m equal parts vegetarian, pescetarian, and vegan

        If you’re pescetarian then you are neither vegetarian nor vegan.

        Vegetarian: eats plants, no meat of any kind.

        Vegan: a vegetarian who also does not use any animal-derived products.

        Pescetarian: eats fish but no other meat.

        Vegetarian and pescetarian are mutually exclusive - you can’t be both.

          • I know it is nitpicking but veganism is an ethical stance. I applaud everyone for eating less animals products and a mostly plant based diet is awesome. However, calling yourself mostly vegan is as accurate as calling yourself mostly muslim. Which i guess is possible but god damn confusing for everyone else.

            • However, calling yourself mostly vegan is as accurate as calling yourself mostly muslim.

              This is the dumbest fucking take ever, and you’re the reason people shit all over vegans. Everything you said after “however” is just nonsense.

              Do everyone a favor and just applaud the person for eating less meat. Not everyone can eat like a rabbit overnight. It usually takes steps and time. Stop gatekeeping, it’s a bad look.

              • Do everyone a favor and either engage in arguments or shut up. I do not care about you feeling offended at another conversation. You can call yourself vegan and eat meat all day for all i care. It is just stupid, thats all.

                Meeting baseline criteria is not gatekeeping but caring about the meaning of words. It is not that the person called themselves vegan and i said they are not. I said there is no such thing as mostly vegan but your reading skills seem to be on the same level as your arguing skills.

            •  Baggins   ( @baggins@beehaw.org ) 
              43 months ago


              Unfortunately the media have convinced the general public that veganism is solely concerned with eating plants. It doesn’t matter how much plastic tat you buy from China or that your plant based sandwich is wrapped in plastic and you take three cruises per year.

              There’s more to it than just giving up meat.

              • Yes, because its not making sense. This would make you still a vegetarian. While this behaviour might fit your own views it does not really fit the definition veganism holds. Again, id say it is akin to saying you are an atheist and a christian at the same time. It is nonsensical. Veganism is closer to a believe than a diet. If you do not hold the ethical believe most people will feel it to be actually offensive to their ethical stance ( if you call yourself a vegan while getting animal produtcs from time to time). Why not say you mostly eat plant based?