Professional game makers care very much about how Unity operates as a business these days.

  • I am not in the position to decide which tech we use at the studio, however, as a Senior my voice is certainly heard when it comes to tech decisions.

    And for Unity I can only say: No tech is worth the risk of dealing with such a shady company.

      • Oh, that just happened. We didn’t have established processes for promotions for a very long time. The company was a tiny startup when I joined (quite literally in the cellar of the company founder’s place), with a really flat hierarchy and no distinction in seniority.

        At the point when the company started to set up a formal process for promotions, I had already been there for so long, that I was considered one of the most experienced people, and that’s how I ended up being filed under “senior coders” in the employee list basically since that category existed… It also was a bit weird, as that happened to coincide with all the COVID lockdown chaos, and I never had a formal promotion talk, just an email with an amandment to my contract, which I didn’t even read too carefully, so I didn’t realize at first that this was not just the yearly pay increase 😉.

        Oh, and believe me, the impostor syndrome is strong with me. I would not have promoted me to that role.

  • I played with Unity a bit and have a pretty fleshed out game idea. I can do the dev side on my own with placeholder assets when I finally have the time to sit down and do it, but there’s no way I’m doing Unity after the way they treated their customers. Same with Unreal because of my distaste for Epic.