Countries seeking alternatives to Ukraine’s peace formula are playing into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin, particularly China and Brazil, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his speech at the UN General Assembly.

“When some propose alternatives, half-hearted settlement plans, so-called sets of principles, it not only ignores the interests and suffering of the Ukrainians, who are affected by the war the most, it not only ignores reality, but it also gives Putin the political space to continue the war,” Zelenskyy said.

He emphasized that any alternative peace initiatives are attempts to achieve a ceasefire rather than an end to the war.

The President suggested that perhaps someone hopes to win a Nobel Prize for a frozen truce, but the only prizes Putin will offer in return are “more sufferings and disasters.”

Zelenskyy noted that if any country seeks alternatives or ignores any aspect of the peace formula, then it wants to do part of what Putin is doing.

“When the Chinese-Brazilian duo tries to grow into a choir of voices – with someone in Europe, with someone in Africa – saying something alternative to a full and just peace, the question arises: What is the true interest? Everyone must understand - you will not boost your power at Ukraine’s expense," the President noted.

According to him, the world has already gone through colonial wars and conspiracies by great powers at the expense of the smaller ones. And all countries understand why this must remain in the past.