• My buddy worked for Ubisoft Montreal. They paid him $48k CAD/year as an experienced developer. Only 2 weeks of PTO for the whole year (including sick leave). 60+ hour weeks. Required a whole CS degree.


    • The gaming industry has treated their workforce very badly and yet they are still attracting the best because it remains a “dream job” for many. I remember reading somewhere that the same kind of thing happens with airplane pilots.

      • People are too eager so employers abuses them… Its a shiti job like any other, people should start acting like it.

        You are trading your time for money, I am not sure when slaving become a badge of honor. Focus that energy on family and friends ie shit that actually matters.

        I guess ophan crushing machine knows how programs its slaves.

  • Ubisoft board doesn’t understand how cutting costs and making the worst product possible filled with micro-transactions is bad for business. Utter shock.

  • I’m honesty sitting here trying to remember the last Ubisoft game I actually enjoyed. And I mean truly “couldn’t put down” enjoyed. Some of the older Assassin’s Creed games were fun, but the same endless gameplay loop was meh, even then.

    I’d almost have to go back all the way to those original Rainbow Six games for something that felt (to me) fresh and innovative.

    • Far Cry 2 was the last game that brought something interesting to the mix. After that, the mechanics kept getting more dumbed down and turned into the Ubisoup we know today

  • “We have investigated ourselves and have found that we’ve done nothing wrong.” has been a line that’s come up quite a bit in the last few years specifically when a company or organization starts investigating itself. Let’s see how that plays out for Ubisoft.

    • I don’t know about that, this time around though. I think investors are pretty pissed at the company’s performance. It can’t be denied they’ve been making some shit decisions. I assume someone will take the blame and become a scapegoat.