•  sevan   ( @sevan@lemmy.ca ) 
    2717 hours ago

    I once had to post a position that was specifically made for my employee, but my recruiter was awesome. I told her there was no possibility I would pick anyone else, so she suggested I make the requirements hyper specific. So, I met with my employee and we worked up a list of 10-20 things that she had done in her career and put them all in as requirements to qualify.

    I received no other “qualified” applicants, so I only had to interview the one. My next meeting with her I said, “this is your official interview, do you have any questions for me?” She said “no” and I congratulated her on being selected for the role.

    •  lol_idk   ( @lol_idk@lemmy.ml ) 
      31 hour ago

      Two times in my life I fit what were obviously tailored requirements. In one case I was absolutely more qualified than the internal applicant (this was a very specific type of biological survey that was not common but I had had the good fortune of having done most of the existing work in the world)

      Never heard a word, not even an “are you for real” letter. My references were from the top people in the field too.