• I vote for work reform name change.

        Anytime I mentioned antiwork to someone, the first thought they had was lazy people not wanting to work and I would have to explain the movement. After explaining everything and making good points, they would just stare at me and then ask ‘why is it called antwork’?

        The work reform name explains itself. And who wouldn’t want to improve and reform their workplace. Its instantly much more relateable.

  • Ouch. The questions were not even hardballs. When the interviewer stated that the system is fair because one freely agrees to the company’s terms and conditions of employment, I would have been the one laughing. If “starving” is the alternative then perhaps the bargaining power of the employers is a bit unbalanced.

    But I don’t judge the guy. He must have been tripping on nerves. It would have been a good idea to pick someone a bit more prepared to face this kind of pressure. But hey, he was brave. Maybe they got the opportunity with short notice and no one else was willing to step up.

    • Honestly, like fuck Fox News and that dude was just a smug asshole. But at the same time, is he really the one at fault for fucking up that interview?

      If this mod were being interviewed by anyone that wasn’t already deeply sympathetic to the community were conducting that interview would it really have gone any differently?

      • I think that if the person conducting the interview would have human decency the result would have been much more different. Sure, that dude did it horribly, but he’s a person trying to do the best he can as everybody else while managing a shitty job, he didn’t receive professional training on how to take one and that’s fine, but the interviewer didn’t let him speak, interrupted him and all the questions were done on purpose to control the narrative, and I’m sure it was all planned like that. If it would have been a real interview there would have been questions, answers and a debate, here we only saw an upper class white cis heterosexual man saying “heuuhh ehuhe look at me im got moneis heheheh fuck you hehehe.”

  •  krolden   ( @krolden@lemmy.ml ) 
    2 years ago

    What a stupid fucking move. I would have at least had someone go on that would have said “what do I do? I came to ask what the hell YOURE doing. I doubt you work more than 20 hours a week either”

    Anyway during the call I would have had a goatse flag fade in slowly so they dont cut me off immediately.

    In these days what the hell do you expect from someone still moderating on reddit? Place is a fucking disaster and they just keep making it worse by continuing with that ‘new’ reddit design.

    • I read that a number of mods had been approached so they all had a vote and decided not to do interviews. It seems that, just like hyenas surrounding a group of herbivores, they managed to get one member to split from the pack…