• I don’t understand this type of feeble-mindedness that has plagued the Earth for thousands of years. In my opinion, this is not just a lack of critical thinking skills. Rather, it’s the bottom of the barrel of intelligence. How do these morons find themselves remotely close to holding any position of political power? Is this about hatred? Is it more enjoyable to fuck up other people’s lives than to be compassionate? This shit has boggled my mind for decades and I’m starting to get exhausted hearing about these worthless pieces of flesh wreaking havoc on the rest of humanity.

    •  Hirom   ( @Hirom@beehaw.org ) OP
      1 year ago

      Religion seems to be responsible for spreading homophobia.

      Many of the American evangelists who came to Uganda in the 1990s still live there, says Stella Nyanzi, adding that they poison the discourse: “We have a number of churches where the senior pastor is an American. Pastor Martin Ssempa, one of the most vocal homophobes and one of the biggest mobilizers of the anti-gay movement is married to an American.” Priests like Ssempa spread a lot of misinformation in society, she says.

      Source: Why is homophobia so strong in Uganda? by Kevin Tschierse

      • Thank you for digging that up! As an American, that has been dragged through some of the worst of evangelical Christianity, I’m incredibly fortunate to have been given the opportunity to contribute to academic biblical scholarship.

        Currently, there are a number of persons that have volunteered in this endeavor over several years. Thankfully, the efforts of /r/AcademicBiblical led me to found /r/AskBibleScholars.

        Subsequently, we have been working on AskBibleScholars.com where non-Reddit users will be able to ask questions from our panel of scholars.

        Spoiler Alert!

        None of this hate-filled idiotic nonsense, targeted at the LGBTQ+ community, can be substantiated with the biblical texts.

        • Thanks for sharing that.

          Grew up in a community with mix of religious and secular people, and left religion behind as it sounded more like a fable to me, and is plagued with various issues. A Catholic priest in my community got jailed for abuse, thankfully I wasn’t a victim. Also the Catholic church is hell bent on excluding women from priesthood, and homophobia is creeping and pretty vocal.

          Various religions are famous for their various religious groups having their own, different interpretation of the sacred book. It’s not just Christians. I guess the book is an excuse, or a tool, some people use to support their biases and prejudices.