Ill got first.

I felt a bit nauseous coming back from work one day last week so I went straight to bed without eating.

The next morning I was quite hungry and once I had driven to work I went to a Tesco Superstore with a hankering for a banana.

Cue stupidity. I went to the adjoining Costa to use the bathroom and quickly scanned for bananas, which they didn’t have so I bought an overpriced toastie instead.

A few days later I’m sat mind wandering and I think I was in Tesco with thousands of bananas but I just checked Costa. Sigh

  • I didn’t put on sunscreen when I was outdoors for an extended period because it was cloudy. I knew it was a dumb move. I did it anyway. And I definitely paid for it with the worst sunburn I’ve had in literal years. Will not be making that stupid move again for quite a while!

    • Aww I’m sorry i can relate. I’ve been burned more than enough times that I just don’t go in the sun too much. Family want to sit by the pool, crack on then, I’ll go for a walk hopping from shade to shade.

      I too was dumb but more I didn’t like the feeling of sun cream on my skin. I don’t like burning either so avoiding the sun where possible is the way.

      That said I do like to run in it occasionally, I stop running but then it gets warm and I get the urge.

  • yo mama.

    also, i super drunkenly tried to clear up a mono-platonic girl-boy situation in a party two weeks ago. the next day i felt i had to apologise; so i did. i’m medium old, so i should know better by now.

  •  BaconIsAVeg   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Man, I’d forgotten about what happened yesterday until I saw this post.

    Yesterday after work, heading to pick my dog up from daycare. I’m sitting at a red light, front of the line. A song comes on that I don’t want to hear so I’m using the wheel controls to hit next song a few times, and I swear out of the corner of my eye I see the car waiting in the lane to the right of me move forward, so of course I look up and step on the gas.

    The light was still red. I didn’t see it until I was through the intersection.

    Luckily there was no cross traffic, but man was I breathing hard when I realized how lucky I’d been.

    • I’ve done that. Was looking at the radio to change songs while going through an intersection. My brain was on autopilot and I followed a guy running a red turn signal. Just about had a head on crash with the straight through traffic 😬

    • On my drive home from work there’s this one light that lets me turn left and people going straight have to wait longer. I’m so terrified that I’m going to cause someone to do what you did.

  • Someone parked their motorbike in front of the door to my house (there are no yards in my country, your door is right up against the street), so I couldn’t open the door or get in. The owner was nowhere to be found.

    So of course they locked the steering, so you can’t roll it out of the way. Being still on autopilot after driving through much traffic, I just sort of automatically tried to pick up the motorcycle and move it.

    Surprisingly, I succeeded – at least for a few seconds. After moving it only a meter or so, I lost my balance and fell over, with the motorbike landing on me. I earned some impressive bruises for my foolishness.

    Thankfully though, this became the most interesting neighborhood gossip for some time, so the person responsible felt too ashamed to keep parking there.

  • I noticed a fire on a woody and dry beach caused by someone else’s old campfire and tried putting it out with a water bottle and sand.

    Turns out the sand was actually just small thinly ground wood chips. Tried picking up a stick to separate the ashes, severely burnt my entire hand.

    I thought I was Smoky the bear but instead I got smoked.

  • I was distracted watching TV. Both my sinus nasal spray and vape were on the table.

    I realized I was congested and needed the spray. As a heavy smoker, I am used to grabbing my device mindlessly all day.

    So I picked up the vape and proceeded to stick it up my nose because my brain mixed up what I was doing.

    I laughed really hard.

  • I got a used car at the end of 2022. I am just now accepting the fact that it was a stupid decision. I’m already upside down on the loan and now the turbo is having issues that may be costly to repair. I’m wanting to move soon to a place where I won’t need a car anymore, but now I’m realizing selling it isn’t going to be quite as straight forward as I initially thought.

  • Yesterday I had to finish my work at 6 to attend a 3 hours language class at 7 and I was dissociating so hard that when I left I had to come back to work to grab something I forgot, then I freaked out thinking I lost a key to my office (they were in the other pocket). Then halfway to the language school I realized that I lost my coat somewhere along the way. Then I managed to get lost somehow on my way to the language school. After the class I got lost twice when I was exiting the fckin building! I was like “get yourself together FFS!” lol Feel so stupid even now while I’m writing this.

    • I lost my coat somewhere along the way

      This reminds me of a friend after a long night out. I let them borrow my (thankfully cheap) coat because it was cold out, and we hopped on a bus to get home. I look over and the coat was gone. Friend had no clue what happened. We were both super tired and out of it but yeah it just disappeared on the journey lol.

  • I got shampoo in my eye while showering the other day. It was just a milidy painful inconvenience, but felt so stupid because it hadn’t happened in years til then.