• I was hoping they’d retrospectively fix the issue with Cerys getting killed when defending the grove from the goblin attack, but looks like they only patched out the possibility of it happening. Looks like I’m still soft locked out of fully completing that particular mission.

  •  bunk   ( @bunk@kbin.social ) 
    1 year ago

    Fixed the dialogue flow when dating Minthara.

    Regarding this one, boy am I curious if I’m just irrevocably screwed, having progressed to act 3 before this fix was implemented. I mean, have I now missed content in this line that I’ll no longer be able to access?

    • I’m wondering the same, I tried different stuff to see if I could get more dialogues, but apparently if there’s anything new I’m screwed. A shame because a big part of my RP in act 1/2 was based on the relationship with Minthara, sigh.

        • Yes,minor spoiler but I was made smelly at one point, I was curious so used a thing of water to make everything wet, this stopped the effect. Probably could have gone through a river too. That made me curious there was a bad substance on the ground, I shattered water again and it made it passable. Now this sounds simple but I’m programming terms it’s the same action interacting that changes different systems (in place hazard and character modifier). That alone could create small bugs when interacting with different modifiers, items and NPCs. For the most part someone wouldn’t run into a quarter of the bugs they post (even a quarter is high) but someone will and it’s awesome they are being patched.

          Personally I’ve played about 20 hours since release, the only bug I had was when I was playing on hotfix 4 before they fixed that hotfix. It sounds worse than it was, since it was a compiler issue. I’m sure others aren’t as lucky but even 10000 bugs isn’t bad when it’s a rare and edge cases. But with probability you get more players (and this game seemed to sell very well) and the weird bugs that even beta testers didn’t find will come up.

      •  lolcatnip   ( @lolcatnip@reddthat.com ) 
        1 year ago

        Not just games, but any kind of software. That’s part of why programmers developing tools for themselves avoid writing interactive programs if they can, and they especially avoid graphical interfaces.

        • Tell me about it, I’m a backend developer. If I write something, it’s going to be accessible via an HTTP request or CLI lol

          Now I’ve also been given a project that’s got backend and frontend code all mangled together (Electron client with local API because reasons) and my first order of business is to see if they’ll let me hire a good frontend dev to help me decouple everything so I can go back to doing zero UI work.

    • 1000 bugs isn’t that big, especially when it’s the same bug surfacing in different ways or bugs you either barely notice or look past (but do notice, eg an alignment issue on the ui)

    • Its a slightly janky game with a huge scope. Makes sense that they had a lot of fixes left from pre release sprints.

      Most ive run into was some t-poses here and there and camera wonkyness. There were some issues with save games too from what i remember

      • My save corrupted so I started again, and had read about the turn based. It worked but I had made the wrong item, so reloaded and tried again but that only worked once.

        I put the mould in, then ore, and then pull lever to go down. When it bugs out the hammer comes down but the platform doesn’t drop. Save/reload, restarting program, traveling out and back, and coming back later in the story don’t make a difference - I can eject the mould and drop the hammer, or put 2nd ore in if it bugged out on the first, but it’s just permanently stuck.

      • I put the mould in, then ore, and then pull lever to go down. When it bugs out the hammer comes down but the platform doesn’t drop. Save/reload, restarting program, traveling out and back, and coming back later in the story don’t make a difference - I can eject the mould and drop the hammer, or put 2nd ore in if it bugged out on the first, but it’s just permanently stuck.

        I have used the door spell to pop down and hit the button. Sometimes the platform will go down, sometimes not. After it’s bugged even getting the platform down doesn’t help - the lava wheel is stuck and never fills the platform, and dropping the hammer doesn’t make an item.

      • Trying to be spoiler free

        There is at least one fight where it starts after a cut scene so you do not have an opportunity to adjust position. The character who started the scene gets placed such that they are easy to push and instakill. There are multiple enemies that have the opportunity to do so. If you don’t have a good initiative/athletics you’re pretty boned. It feels really cheap.

        • Assuming you mean a boss at the end of act 2 / beginning of act 3, Balthazar

          I got pushed off the ledge a few times. What worked for me was, while the first character was stuck in dialogue, the rest of my party would sneak in and position advantageously before starting the fight mid-dialogue on my own terms. It was indeed bullshit, but not nearly as bullshit as me reloading for 20 mins convincing a boss to kill themselves, so I think the game and I can call it even.

          I also completed a few tough early fights with 2 mage hands and a cliff, so really, I’m pro-shoving all the way.

          • Not the one I was thinking.


            I was talking about the boat trip in the underdark. My main character is a rogue and depending on the dialog choices the enemy seems to just goes first. The first time I got to it, my rogue and mage were both pushed overboard before I even got a tern. I got around it by having a tanky fighter activate the boat so she was the one in the conversation and resisted the shove. It’s not horrible, but it felt really cheap.

          • That fight gave me so much trouble. Every single try at least one of my party members was shoved into the abyss and in 20 tries or so not a single one resisted the shove. In the end I did everything I could to nuke the boss, ignoring everything else and then with my last party member I went invisible, jumped to a safe spot and killed everything else with a bow.

      • I would not describe it as a fun part of combat at all.

        It completely breaks the balance when you and your enemies can instakill enemies on one strength save that pushes characters 6+ metres to their deaths with a bonus action. In DnD rules, the shove is an action and moves character 5ft, one square.

        It completely breaks the balance when you can use a single strength check to essentially get the same benefit as the 5th level spell telekinesis (only accessible by level 9 spellcasters), or a grapple and throw check (requiring two actions).

        • Counterpoint: maybe don’t position yourself near an instant death chasm? Or invest more into Athletics/Acrobatics?

          Even if we take away Shove, the issue is still present with Thunderclap - make a single DC save from a 1st-level spell or be pushed into an instant death chasm.

          • Thunderclap requires a spell slot and isn’t a bonus action. Part of the problem is that every enemy gets to do their full attack, and then go ahead and try a shove just to see if it works for funsies.

            If shoves work to the way that they do in d&d, then an enemy going for a shove and failing would mean that they had done nothing on their turn and that you would be net-positive on the round. That doesn’t happen in this game because they get to have their cake and eat it too by getting to make an attack and a shove in the same turn.

            • Ah, I see. Yeah, Shove being a bonus action is a bit ridiculous - it should’ve been an action from the start since it’s an insanely easy get-out-of-jail-free card. Honestly wouldn’t mind a book implementation of 5e Shove being a normal action, and then just have the game’s current Shove be a “Forceful Shove” or something that takes up both normal and bonus actions.

              That being said, the problem the other dude brings up is basically solved with trying to stay in a better position. If you’re gonna fight near a chasm or a very high-up walkway, you should expect to get shoved or pushed off somehow.

              • The problem is a matter of numbers. If every enemy is trying to shove me off a cliff, they shouldn’t also be able to do damage.

                Regardless of that though, your last sentence seems to be implying that the player should have just not positioned themselves that way, but I regret to inform you that there are a lot of fights where you don’t control everyone on your side. I save-scummed a fight three times because my ally spent his first turn every single time running straight into combat and standing on a peninsula surrounded on three sides by lava.

          • That’s a great comparison because thunderclap is more difficult to use than the shove, first being a spell save and second being a full action.

            Plenty of fights where it is unavoidable, but as I mentioned in the previous comment, it’s completely different to how it works in DnD and makes some fights a joke if you push an enemy to their death or just causes frustration if one of your spellcasters is shoved to death on the first turn.

            Basically turns most fights in areas with chasms into shoving matches which means you ignore the actual mechanics of the fight to just shove and avoid being shoved. It’s sucks.

            • Yeah, totally glossed over the bit where you were focusing on Shove being a bonus action and causing some wacky balance. Thought it was moreso the fact that it’s even a mechanic in the first place.

              I mean, while it was hilarious I could shove all three bosses in the Goblin Camp into chasms before they aggro’d me, it is broken in that A) you can shove non-hostile NPCs indefinitely with no repercussions, and B) you can do a full attack and always Shove in a single turn, which has huge benefits for characters with high STR.

    • I play an Oathbreaker Paladin and I have never had this problem. Usually, I’m the one shoving things to their death if I absolutely must.
      So, your positioning needs reconsidering, or you need to use your tank/STR character to force an opening so you can relocate. OR you’re just really unlucky.
      From my perspective, if you’re falling to your death that much, it’s more likely you either like standing on cliffs or you’re trying to make excessive use of High Ground attack bonus, which IMO isn’t enough to justify me wasting a move turn repositioning and setting myself up for a potential fall.
      By all accounts, this is not a bug, nor is it a problem if you adapt your strategy to prevent such a thing.

    • You can revivify party members who fell into chasms by using the scroll/spell on their “soul orb,” which should appear somewhere in the area. Granted, it may be far enough away that you need to survive the fight first.