I’m in my 30s so I should be used to this by now, but this shit is getting so stressful guys. I have no savings, my checking account is drained every month with rent, and if there’s ever a serious emergency I have no safety net, I’m legitimately fucked. I’m one unplanned expense away from absolute ruin. Those in the same boat as me, how do you deal with this?

  • It ain’t pretty, but here’s how I got through it until I started bringing in good money:

    1. No takeout or eating out ever
    2. Get a water filter pitcher and a nice water bottle. Drink only water.
    3. Every paycheck, take out $200 or whatever you can afford. This is your “fun and gas” money. Your gas, hobbies, social life, and dating comes out of this fund. Whatever is leftover when your next paycheck hits goes into savings.
    4. If you can rent a physically smaller place, do so. It will save on utilities.
    5. Don’t buy a car unless public transportation or biking is not viable in your area.
    6. Meal plan with the goal of zero food waste. So if you plan to buy an onion and will use half of it in one meal, make sure you have another meal planned that week that uses the other half. Do this with every ingredient. If you’re careful and creative you should never have to throw away food. - On this note, get good at cooking. It’s much cheaper to cook from scratch.
    7. Cancel your streaming services and learn to pirate safely.

    This works but isn’t a great way to live. You need to combine it with a plan to either make more money or relocate to a cheaper area while maintaining your current income.

      • If you have the option, buy stuff you’re always gonna need anyway in bulk when they’re on offer. Toilet paper, pasta, rice (except right now rice prices are exploding), coffee etc.
      • if your super market has marked down prices for “last date” or “close to use by” stuff, that section needs a visit every time you are in the super market
      • if you have a freezer, you have even more incentive for previous 2 tips
    •  jcg   ( @jcg@halubilo.social ) 
      1 year ago

      One caveat with the food tip is that eating absolute garbage like highly processed frozen food is still gonna be cheaper. I guess it’s cause they put so much preservatives and so those have such a long shelf life. Not that I’m advocating for eating that but cooking for yourself is a cheap way to eat something nutritious. But as somebody who’s gone through the same grind, it’s still honestly just cheaper to eat garbage. But, I legitimately just feel better, think better, and overall am better on food I cook myself. And that improvement has knock on effects for the rest of everything you do in life.

  • I realized that paying rent was like throwing money into a bottomless pit. Obviously buying a house was out of the question so I bought a used RV and moved into that. I added solar panels and all the VanLife type stuff and now my biggest expense is for the storage unit I put all my stuff in. No more rent, no power, water or most other bills. StarLink is expensive but with all the other expenses eliminated it’s not bad at all.

  • I’m not really the correct person to answer this, since I’m not struggling to the same degree as you are.

    However I once heard a good tip on how to save money. Most people, when they receive their salary spent it first on the necessities (food, rent, etc) and then save the remainder (if anything is left). But instead you should first save a percentage of your pay before spending on any necessities. That way, your brain will try to make the best use the remaining money to survive the best it can

  • I absolutely feel your pain and was in your situation for a long time. For over a decade as an adult, I lived well below the poverty line and was homeless for a couple stretches.

    I obviously don’t know you or your situation beyond what you shared, but I believe that you can improve your life just like I did. I was so poor and struggled for so long that I finally had enough and vowed to never be in that situation again. While the mindset helps, it was a long time of extra effort that got me into a comfortable position.

    For me the biggest help was no one thing; it was a bunch of incremental improvements over about a decade. A jump to different jobs that pay even $1.50/hr more buy breathing room. I know you’re not “buying too much avocado toast,” but there might be ways to stretch your necessities budget; I hear that sometimes things get missed when using self checkouts.

    Depending on where you are, there are hopefully food banks and living assistance services in your areas. If you need internet and don’t have it, libraries are great places (and you can still check out books and movies for entertainment).

    I wanted to write code for a living, so I got a computer science associates degree (not even a bachelor’s); I went to school in the evenings and delivered pizzas when I didn’t have class. This was on top of my day job. It was no picnic; I had a few meltdowns from being overworked and exhausted. You don’t even need to go the school/degree route. We need skilled tradesmen. Pipe fitting, welding, carpentry, electrical work, etc… are always in need and they can provide a good quality of life.

    My general view is fuck corporate loyalty. If you can jump ship and make more money elsewhere: do it. If you can’t afford some recurring bill: stop paying it. You are more important than those business.

    Look into assistance services now. Always be looking for a new job that will pay more. Identify a five year career goal and work toward it. It’s not a today solution, but that was basically how I escaped being crushed by our system.

    I wish you the best.

    • Hi there, I am trying to claw myself out of a financial hole myself and I would value your opinion.

      I am currently pursuing an associates in computer science myself, I am curious how far/what kind of job that landed you. I am just wanting to see my options once I achieve getting the degree as well.

      Thanks in advance.

      • Not OP, but here are my 2 cents. You can’t really go wrong with that degree imho. Even if you only land an entry level job at the beginning, you can quickly advance from there. You just to have keep learning.

        If you haven’t done so already, get a raspberry pi, install docker, get used to how it works. Destroy everything, start over. Get another pi, learn kubernetes.

        You can stand out and succeed if you can learn and adapt to new technologies. The system doesn’t matter, it’s how you approach it.

        Beat of luck to you!

  • A lot of the good answers are already posted. I’ll share my experience.

    A bunch of people I know, including myself, rose out of retail hell through customer service jobs. My first one was making $55k/year (in 2023 dollars. This was a while ago because I’m old) and jumped decently after a year. Plus it was steady work at a desk with insurance. I switched to another company doing the same kind of thing after a year or two, and was able to transfer internally to IT. A couple years later I made the leap to engineering. I don’t have a computer science degree. It was all experience and teaching myself.

    A bunch of other friends took similar paths, and now have higher paying jobs.

    But this was in new york city, where there are a lot of startups looking to hire people. And because the companies were small, the jobs weren’t a cubicle hell where you read from a script. I got to actually help people troubleshoot when I was doing IT. That first job I could just talk to people like people.

    I don’t know how different it is now or in other parts of the country. I’m not sure how much the pandemic and AI hype has changed the market. But getting a first foot in the door is really helpful. You can meet people and get on the job experience.

    A lot of job listings might require a college degree, but enough experience can be a substitute. Also knowing people helps a stupid, unfair, amount.

  •  bstix   ( @bstix@feddit.dk ) 
    1 year ago

    Ask for a raise. Find another job.

    Keep a separate savings account. This won’t increase your income but it’s absolutely vital that you do this. I fully understand that you don’t have money for this, but here’s the idea: if you’re already broke at the end of the month, then what difference does it make if you’re broke one day earlier every month? Let’s say you have a payout of €3000 monthly. That means you have €100 for each day of the month. Put €100 in a savings account and you’ll go broke 1 day earlier, but you now have €100 saved for unexpected shit. Keep it up for a some months and you’ll have enough saved to deal with moving/changing jobs etc. Eventually you’ll adjust your expenses so you don’t get broke even if you set the money aside. You can figure this out. This is how my wife and I saved up for our marriage. By going voluntary broke before it actually happened.

    Okay, once you have some “financial security” saved up, do you have a budget account? Keep a budget account so you don’t overspend. Only transfer the excess to your spending account, so you don’t spend money that was supposed to pay for the rent/electricity/internet/food. Whatever is in excess is safe to spend.

    If this is not possible, then your financial life isn’t sustainable. Ask for a raise. Find a different job.

  • Gotta either cut costs or increase pay. When I was living on $600 a month I roommated up, I applied for food assistance (SNAP), I bought a shitty craigslist car rather than picking up a car note, and I stuck to cheap cell carriers.

    The last one is a place a lot of people could save a few dollars. T-mobile has a plan called t-mobile connect that is $15 a month with a few gigs of data. Works fine. Actually still use it now that I have a better job.

    Ultimately you need to make more though. Think about all the skills you’ve gained in food service and retail and apply for another job you think you’d be good at. Imo anyone can do low level office work, for example. Sounds like you’re in the US, so keep an eye on Craigslist and Idealist.org (two engines where the jobs available are usually actually available unlike most search engines). Make it a habit of scrolling through and forming an opinion about what you would/wouldn’t like. Make a resume to fit (use chat gpt to help). Lie about things you’re pretty sure you could handle no problem but have no experience with. Once you get a better job do the whole thing again with the new experience to pad your resume.

  • Can you donate plasma or white blood cells to the Red Cross? I go to their main center in Philadelphia and they pay $50 for a presceen appointment (1 hour) and $450 for the donation (3-4 hours).