• Currently on a bit of a reading binge (check out my comment from last week for short reviews of new-to-me stuff) but I’m mostly just doing re-reads. The theme seems to be “good people reluctantly do good things and are unhappy about it”. First I went through the first 2 Murderbot Diaries novellas, now I’m doing a full re-read of Naomi Novik’s Scholomance trilogy (I maintain that the first book is the best one but they are all quite good). Planning to start The Fifth Season when I’m done, haven’t read this one before.

  • Of course 2 of my holds became available within a day of each other! Just started The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff, which is quite captivating and then headed to the library today or tomorrow to pick up House of Leaves. Luckily it seems like The Vaster Wilds will be a fast read so hopefully I can get thru both before they’re due.

  • Still on Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie. It’s pretty good but I’m starting to feel that it’s now quite what I’m in the mood for at the moment. Going to finish it though since it is good and I’ve read the whole trilogy in a row.

    I’m longing for some new Peter F. Hamilton though!

    • Eyyyy, I love Spinning Silver (and Naomi Novik’s later works in general, I’m meh on her Temeraire series). Added Seven Moons to my TBR based on your previous comments, looks very interesting!

  • I’m reading The Consolations of the Forest, a cozy but bizarre book about a writer who decides to do a Thoreau-inspired hermitage, except the cabin is in the Russian tundra. The level of vodka drinking is wild, I’d never survive!

    Also reading/referencing a bunch of Vietnam travel guides to prepare for a trip! Just finishing up Eat Vietnam, so I can learn what I can eat, lol. Food allergies in foreign countries are always an adventure!