• Two reasons, I think:

              • So Japan would unconditionally surrender to the US instead of (conditionally or unconditionally) surrendering to the USSR.
              • As a warning to the USSR to not spread communism further. The Cold War started even before WWII ended.
              • Japan was not closer to conditionally surrendering to the USSR instead of the US. Even if they were that doesn’t magically make their war with the US end.

                The reason for the bombs being dropped is very clear and you’re free to read countless books, articles, papers on it.

                The Cold War started even before WWII ended.

                Yes but not every choice during WW2 was about countering communism. We supplied them with an absolute ton of weapons and cutting edge vehicles, planes during the war. The threat of the axis/fascism far outweighed the threat of communism spreading at the time.

                • The reason for the bombs being dropped is very clear and you’re free to read countless books, articles, papers on it.

                  I’ve read the same arguments & documents as every other red-blooded American, but unlike most I’ve also read the counterarguments.

                • Weren’t the nukes also dropped because Japan’s highest-level commanders were dead-set on fighting more or less to the end, which would have caused horrific loss of life on both sides?

                  Also, I don’t remember reading this theory, but I would guess some of those commanders also felt like something ‘magical’ might happen to save the motherland, hearkening back to Kame Kaze’s taifuns that saved Nippon from Mongol invasion on two occasions, centuries earlier.


        • People don’t realize that the US used to see fascism as a sort of white utopia. It was really popular up until WW2 when they hard turned on it. Kind of like what happened with communism, actually. It was seen as a revolutionary form of democracy up until the cold war, now people only know it for all the propaganda that came out of the era. (most of which was flat out lies made up on the spot by actual nazis)

          It’s a lot of the reason why the modern day liberal is so staunchly both-sides when it comes to anything geopolitics.

        • Yeah, but look how it started. You need to look at the WW1, when both USA and Japan were among the victors and had the same area in their expansion view. For example Lenin predicted in 1918 that the Pacific war will eventually happen, though it ultimately started later than he thought because invasion of China occupied Japan attention.

          Interestingly enough for the same reason US-Japan war could be avoided for more time, but it’s actually the US who decided the time, note how they established the embargo on Japan in late june to 1st august 1941, in the exact moment when Japanese military was occupied, their nazi ally pour all effort into invading USSR and Japan even refused to join that war basically breaking that alliance. Said embargo was absolutely devastating for Japan, it would force them to grind their entire empire to sudden halt in half year, so they have a choice between collapse and war on USA. The only thing US was mistaken about was how competent the Japanese military actually was (not weird considering the racism in US) which led to their their initial string of victories in 1942.

          So yeah, that was the one time US was on the correct side of history but the motivation was to gobble up the Pacific for their empire, and they pushed up pretty cold bloodedly for it.

      •  livus   ( @livus@kbin.social ) 
        1 year ago


        We were that one time, and we’ve been milking it ever since.

        Only until 2006 which is when the UK finally managed to pay the US back the “lend lease” debt it racked up in WWII

        Wonder how long it will take for Ukraine to pay back theirs, they’re on a Lend Lease from the US right now.

        • You & I are the only people who seem to know this. Everyone else is busy arguing whether we can “afford” to give Ukraine “free stuff”, when in reality none of it is free, and whatever few Ukrainians are left alive after this war will be paying onerous debt for generations. They’re already auctioning off many public assets to mostly foreign buyers at fire sale prices, up to and including seaports.

          • Yeah it’s crazy. Ukraine is a fire sale and the debt will be on the US govt books as an asset.

            Makes me realise, a lot of things we read in history books that seem cut and dried, were probably not at all obvious to the people who lived at the time because their perception of facts was probably as skewed as our societies’ perceptions are now.

    • It would put Israel “on the back foot” in regards to the conflict. Israel would be tied up negotiating for hostage release which is exactly where Hamas wants them. It stops being a question of who is winning a battle and turns it into “how much is Israel willing to sacrifice”.