• That’s just a dumb take… Europe took up over for million refugees from Ukraine. Because it’s the neighbouring countries that should help first and foremost. Kind of like what Egypt could do now… But instead they’re crying that the EU half a continent away should take care of it.

      • Egypt already has syrian refugees and subsaharan refugees in addition to the recent influx because of the sudanese civil war.

        Either way, the current regime violently overthrew, imprisoned, tortured and eventually killed the democratically elected previous regime which has ties and many many sympathizers in Gaza. Meaning that the cocksucking son of a removed sisi will never let them in, because he’s afraid of another revolution

        Plus leaked talks from Mubarak (two egyptian presidents ago) literally have bibi pointing at gaza and saying i want to move them elsewhere and pointed at sinai. If Palestinians go to sinai they are never coming home.

        Not to mention that ISIS is in sinai…

    • Since the war in Ukraine started, the EU accepted more than four million refugees from Ukraine. Because that’s what you do as the next countries.

      You know what the EU didn’t do? Shit on Egypt for not taking refugees from Ukraine. Because that would have been stupid, right? Right?

    • To move out of a country, you need to give up your possessions and you need to have some money to pay a few things on your way without being able to work.

      EU, especially Germany has encoded free asylum for people who have to flee a country in their constitution. What do you want more?

      Everyone is looking at Egypt and Jordan. These are the next countries that could act. But they are shitting at the EU. Well, fuck those hypocrites.

      • Do Egypt and Jordan not already have Palestinian refugees? I know Jordan definitely does. And it’s not small number; it’s hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million or more. Though according to Wikipedia, at least Jordan has given most Jordanian citizenship.

        With regards to Egypt, can they handle that number of refugees? 2 million Gazans? That’s a lot of people. And it’s not like Egypt is some super wealthy country. And the Sinai isn’t exactly a great place to host 2million peolpe.

        I don’t think there’s a single country that can readily accept that many refugees in short order, while properly feeding and housing them, and integrating them, without experiencing massive issues for both citizens and refugees.

        That’s not to say that it’s right for Egypt to snipe at the EU, especially with a comment like that. But it’s not like either country can realistically deal with additional refugees. That’s part of what makes this whole thing a shitshow. There are few good options. And the few options that are good or better, people or governments refuse.

    • Yeah let’s not just pretend this is an easy issue. These people can permanently give up their home and and become permanent residents in whatever country they flee to just because Israel would never let them back in.

      And 1million is a lot of people to calm down and care for after their houses were bombed to rubble so the crater marked earth could be turned into a night club for tourists to the worlds largest open museum.

      Egypt isn’t wrong to say this is an impossible choice to make. Especially while no one can punish the bullies. Heck no one can even disagree with the bully anymore. They may be hypocrites but doesn’t mean their isn’t truth in it.

  •  A1kmm   ( @A1kmm@lemmy.amxl.com ) 
    1311 months ago

    Israel should take in the refugees they created, and offer them citizenship, if they are serious about this not being a genocide and only being about Hamas. It is, after all, their ancestral land.

    I suspect the far-right parties like Netanyahu’s Likud would never let this happen though. Netanyahu is probably quite happy Hamas committed their atrocities to give him cover for more of his own atrocities.