• Or you know have the sense god gave goats and be able to see the neon sign as they have been blowing out Amazon home devices for years. Now they need to recoup that half decade of losses. Buckle up.

      Honestly, this is why we are here. I get it if you use their delivery because getting stuff can be hard depending on the area. But this stuff, where there are half dozen competing options… come on.

      • I wasn’t specifically talking about this product alone, but about the general trend. I don’t own any Amazon hardware.

        A few years ago, piracy was all but dead because or really good offers like Netflix. All the stuff you wanted was there and the price was ok.

        Now to get the same that you got for a tenner a month on Netflix, you have to pay for half a dozen of streaming services.

        Youtube forces you to watch more ads than actual content. All services are increasing prices while decreasing what you are getting for that money. And all sorts of products are retroactively introducing ads.

        I mean seriously, if someone bought that stick, they paid for it. They shouldn’t have to worry about updates actively making the device worse.

        It’s an industry-wide trend that sucks, and it’s one that creates resistance. People start pirating, use adblock and some hack their devices. Not because it’s impossible to have a situation that suits everyone, but because they purpously use enshittification to suck more money out of their customers.

        • Your gripes about inflation are justified.

          All I’m saying there were so many red flags on buying these that you’d have to be new to technology to not have seen this coming. I’m actually surprised they weren’t doing or worse from day one 🤷‍♂️

    • It’s unbelievable. The dumb fuckers literally figured out a way to beat piracy. High quantity, easily accessible content at an appetizable price. Even one for TV, one for music, $10-15 a month, I had no issue. Everyone made out like a bandit, I was satisfied, and they all made billions.

      Now you can’t even use YouTube without being bombarded with ads, and streaming is quickly becoming worse than cable was. Piracy is definitely back on the table, and the fuckers don’t have license to whine about it this time. They literally had it licked, but then got too greedy, so fuck them.

  • At this point just get a rasbperry pi, or some similar device, and run it as a regular computer. Firefox, ublock origin, don’t worry about ads, and turn it into a machine that is capable of soooooooo much more. Hell, any PC will work. Steam Deck, NUC, that old laptop you have laying around? Been running little NUCs on my TVs for years and so happy I don’t have to put up with that nonsense.

    • Which OS is good for this? Which remote can be used? I use my Stick to launch several apps like Plex, Smarttube Next, ARD Mediathek (German TV series). Not needing anything more. But a snappy remote and support for various audio and video codecs is key.

      • I’m a linux nerd and I jut run stock Fedora. It’s desktop is like a phone UI, so lots of folks are familiar with it.

        I then use a wireless keyboard and trackball. T

        here are tons of remotes out there,but I don’t have any experience with then. Let me know if you find a good remote though. 😁

        • I’ve been using a $20 air remote off Amazon for years now. The tracking is honestly incredible and the device is built like an old Nokia phone. I’ve launched it off the bed or couch hundreds of times, even had the plastic casing bust open, but when I clicked it back together it still works good as new, and it’s even good enough to play simple point and click/mousepowered games on the TV. The front is all media/TV controls and the back is a full keyboard, with a toggled backlight. It’s honestly so much better than any of the media center remotes I’ve used including the apple tv one or the firestick one.

      • I run CoreELEC/LibreELEC on all my streaming devices. It only runs Kodi but since Kodi has tons of addons it is fairly easy to customize. Kodi also plays pretty much any codec in existence and has support for various remotes.



        If you’re planning to play 4k content you will want something with a little bit more power than a Raspberry Pi 4. For Dolby Vision you need one of the few supported devices.

    • Agreed. I started out with r-pi for the TV and and refuse to ever go back to just the smart-TV or stick interface. I’ve since moved on to more powerful HTPC/dedicated game server PC so I can host games for our friends but I still have the r-pi.

      Honestly as nice as some of the smart TV or smart stick functions are, they’re only nice because they’re zero-effort. For just a slight amount of effort and no technical knowledge you can have a much better and safer setup.

  •  Ebby   ( @Ebby@lemmy.ssba.com ) 
    10 months ago

    I complained about this to “support” a few days ago. A full screen ad before the home screen with the top 1/3 an ad and the bottom 1/3 ads.

    Straight up told them I will pick another manufacturer this weekend.

    I’m burned out on protecting myself from smart devices. Maybe just a dumb screen this round.

    Edit: I have every single privacy setting set to off, but some update added a new category and defaults to on. Don’t know how long Amazon has been spying on me or what they took.

    My device has autoplay off already. It may have stopped a full screen video ad, but there is a full screen picture ad instead.

      • They didn’t whatsoever. I expected that. They said they sent my complaint through so I hope I tickled a 0 into a 1 somewhere in their sea of data, but I don’t expect results.

        Oh yeah, they followed up with an offer to buy a new TV. Like, that was a little cold there, dude.

    • I can cast to my internet-disabled TV anything to it, including pirate streaming sites with no ads. 20 years ago I ran a hdmi from my desktop and used a wireless touchpad to load downloaded stuff. It truly is the golden age of piracy

    • They’re more like AndroidTV boxes with a full menu and HDMI-CEC support, only they came out back in the day when Chromecasts were just for casting. They were also dirt cheap; unfortunately that’s because they were made with bargain-basement parts which often failed or started to overheat easily a few months in.

    •  Skimmer   ( @Skimmer@lemmy.zip ) 
      10 months ago

      Yeah, Chromecasts are much better than Fire TV’s, due to the more control you have over them and how easy it is change the launcher vs. Amazon actively preventing it. Basically same price and budget as well. Plus Google running a newer version of Android in general vs. Amazon’s, etc. Chromecasts are probably lesser of the two evils imo.

  • I have a fire tv cube just direct launch into apps to avoid this. For example instead of powering on the fire tv with power button I tell Alexa to open the app I need.

    Down side is this doesn’t really work with sieloaded apps like smart tube