Undergrad. You’ve no degree and no work experience. Perhaps the most important thing you’re going to learn from this project is humility.
Undergrad. You’ve no degree and no work experience. Perhaps the most important thing you’re going to learn from this project is humility.
You left out a core argument against high-priced art: A large proportion of transactions have the underlying intent of money laundering, illegal kickbacks, and tax avoidance.
There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me. A sign was painted, said “Private Property”. But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing…This land was made for you and me.
Kim accused the U.S. of being the “most reactionary state” that has an invariable policy of anti-communism
Yeah, I’m not big on social graces. Think I’ll slip on down to the oasis. Oh, I’ve got friends in low places.
I enjoy children because adults lie. I also enjoy setting an expectation of similar nuance of technical understanding as I would for an adult and then being surprised at how many rise to the occasion.
The other day I was talking to a ten year old about the French Revolution and American independence. She didn’t have the words to express that she already understood. Instead, she held on hand in the air as if grasping something and the other near her chest as if sorta cradling something. I immediately recognized it as the Status of Liberty. I explained simply that it was their gift to us. She replied, “So we’d remember?”
I don’t know how to end this post. Do what the OP says.
OK. I’ll assign more benefit of the doubt.
To be moral and ethical in their voting choice, to serve systemic design intent, to serve the practicalities of implementation, an individual need not care about others’ votes.
So, it’s incorrect to set as a prerequisite a belief in success of a 5% goal to vote for it. Presenting as you did exemplifies the propaganda-fed ego of the neoliberal. The meaning in voting is not to make you feel good about yourself for choosing the bandwagon that wins. All should vote for whom best represents them with reckless disregard for the short-term outcome.
The eventual counterargument to what I’m saying is rooted in utilitarianism: Democracy produces at best mediocre outcomes. The systemic design answer was the electoral college.
Let’s be honest here: None of us are going rogue. We aren’t going to grab a gun and start killing the worst of the worst, the people who have destroyed our lives and or the lives of millions, the people who have benefitted from the creation of a soulless society, the people who ruined our lives. We are cowards. We can’t do it, I certainly know I can’t. It’s best not to kid ourselves here.
You want confirmation that everyone else is as weak to make yourself feel better. It’s typical neoliberal nonsense.
With well-reasoned and nuanced principles supported by vast experience.
Learn your fallacies.
You failed to be adequate in either reading comprehension or presentation.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Try something different next time.
need to vote third party on an occasion when third party will actually get that 5% threshold
non sequitur
You weren’t really very open to ideas. And, you were the best of the bunch in this thread.
I asked a question. I received a fallacy sandwich in return. There’s no point in investing further.
Simply naming fallacies isn’t teaching.
The point of learning fallacies isn’t so that you can just name them and feel like you’ve made a point.
Thank you for the opportunity to teach.
If my grandmother had wheels she’d be a tea trolley.
Right now the reality is the Donald Trump is going to take office because a lot of people didn’t vote for the alternative.
Red herring.
All the ‘what if…?’ games in the world isn’t going to change that.
This is a bit better than typical nonsense because there’s two tactics in a sandwich. Next is usually ad hominem. But, this one may have another trick up their sleeve.
The false assumption that most make is that one cycle doesn’t effect the next.
However, if a third party garners just 5% of the general election vote for POTUS then their platform and higher quality candidate will be on every ballot in the next cycle.
If there’s a third choice on every ballot then the the third party platform places tremendous and immediate pressure upon the platforms of the two major parties. The third party doesn’t actually win unless the other refuse to compromise. Long term, the continued threat is of greater value than a subsequent victory.
But, the electoral scheme doesn’t work unless leftists trust leftists to determine the collective risk of voting third party for the states they reside in. Even Jacobin failed to trust twice.
Things are pretty fucked. Electoral means are slow. I tend to advocate for boycott, strike, and riot (encompassing a wide scope of wisely breaking laws).
Accelerationism is more ethical than neoliberal denial. By voting for the bigger evil you’ve made yourself the lesser evil.
The core issue is that you only have 2 real options in america, third parties may as well not exist.
There’s false assumptions necessary to reach this conclusion. Typically the false assumption is that the role of a third party is to win. The root cause of making this assumption is often that the scope of evaluation has been limited to one term or cycle.
If 5% of the general election popular vote for POTUS, knowing that the candidate cannot win, still voted for the Green Party platform then what effect would that have upon the Democratic Party platform?
On a five point difficulty scale this is a two. The test gets way harder than this.
I think I hear about a school shooting about once every two or three months. And, I believe underreporting at a national level paired with myself not having time to keep up means that I hear about roughly one in every hundred shootings.
Typically there’s about 180 days of school per year.
Crunching some vague math, my guess seems preposterous: ~340 school shootings in 2024. That’s almost two per day. But, the more I thought about it the less preposterous it seemed.
TL;DR - My guess is a seemingly preposterous 340 school shootings in 2024, or almost 2 per school day.
Seatbelts - Gotta Knock a Little Harder