Governor DeSantis’s policies targeting the LGBTQ community, restricting academic freedom, and banning diversity programs have negatively impacted Florida’s economy. Several organizations have canceled conventions and events in Orlando due to concerns over DeSantis’s “anti-woke” agenda, resulting in an estimated $20 million loss in revenue for the state. Despite this, DeSantis’s spokesperson dismissed the economic impact as a “media-driven stunt.” However, boycotts in the past have caused enough economic pain to lead to policy changes, so organizations avoiding Florida are doing the right thing by not spending money there while these policies remain in place.

  • Eh? I’m not in Florida, I live in Arizona. But yeah, it sounds like you should probably stay away from Florida in general, if you’re that fearful. No point it you can’t relax because you’re afraid of dangerous words like woke.

    We also definitely have different views on guns in general. As a woman, I like being able to have one for protection, so I’m not worried in my day-to-day life about guns.

    Lots of us have gay and trans friends.