• A pile of HTML + JS is the only cross platform GUI toolkit that’s practical to deploy.

    I’m not really happy about it myself, but realistically there’s not any other option than just bundling a website into a wrapper.

    And to pre-empt any replies; your proposed solution must support Windows, Linux (X11 and Wayland), MacOS, iPhone, Android, Chromium and Firefox.

  • I though the same but I tried Tauri and it makes sense. Unlike electron you’re not shipping the entire browser with your app and the the low level stuff is just rust so the integration is nice and easy. And using webview for UI? Why not? The reactive libraries are actually nice to work with, it’s easy to customize, you have all the tools to inspect/debug your code. It’s definitely better then trying to fit GTK into rust.

        • oh JS too, which kinda throws me off because I’m not bad with Web Dev, but I’m not good either and my UI looks like a bad web page than a good desktop app.

          I’m actually trying to keep it simple and write my own launcher like Alfred, Albert, Kupfer but I want it to launch my own custom scripts that I can load in a directory as well.

          • Yeah, UI is hard. I try to use good component librarian as much as possible but actually making it look consistent is difficult.

            For the UI I’m using leptos. It’s actually very nice and using rust on both front and back means there’s couple less things to worry about.

    • I tried Flutter and hated it. It was buggy (there’s thousands of post on the internet saying that you have to do ‘rm ios/Podfile && flutter build ios’ and similar. the build breaks often and standard solution is ‘turn it off and on again’), the components library is too verbose and not nice to work with, the support was bad (as in open a bug report with example repo and they would react after 6 months) and everything that’s not ‘hello world’ was complicated or impossible (like writing tests). I’m definitely not using it again.

  •  toastal   ( @toastal@lemmy.ml ) 
    10 months ago

    At least webviews don’t (yet, Google be trying) have the ability to request attestation & ban me for not using the stock, bloatware OS every device comes with. Bonus that I get to keep my data inside the browser’s sandbox; it’s the easiest way to be safe with proprietary software.

    If only my bank could get the memo & make their website not suck (it legit checks for Netscape Navigator 4 in the source) so I can be at peace with microG+LineageOS in the phone space (all the banks here do it & I already switched once until my bank, slowly but inevitably ‘modernized’ their app).