My best list of free ChatGPT and other models. Required - no signups.

    • I had an interesting result.

      I proposed a simple question like I did all the other AI with “airoboros-65B-gpt4-1.4-GPTQ for 13 kudos in 369.6 seconds”. It was a bit of a wait, I understand why.

      It gave me a word for word comment on what I assume is a blog post from a Melissa. The topic was related, just barely.

      Which LLM do you recommend for questions about a subject? I looked in the FAQ to see if there was a guide to the choices.

      • Kobald is a program to run local llms, some seem on par with gpt3 but normaly youre gonna need a very beefy system to slowly run them.

        The benefit is rather clear, less centralized and free from strict policies but Gpt3 is also miles away from gpt3.5. Exponential growth ftw. I have yet to see something as good and fast as chatgpt

        •  jcg   ( ) 
          21 year ago

          I’ve always wondered how it’s possible. No way they’ve got some crazy software optimisations that nobody else can replicate right? They’ve gotta just be throwing a ridiculous amount of compute power at every request?

          • Well there are 2 things.

            First there is speed for which they do indeed rely on multiple thousands of super high end industrial Nvidia gpus. And since the 10Billion investment from microsoft they likely expanded that capacity. I’ve read somewhere that chatgpt costs about 700,000 a day to keep running.

            There are a few others tricks and caveats here though. Like decreasing the quality of the output when there is high load.

            For that quality of output they do deserve a lot of credit cause they train the models really well and continuously manage to improve their systems to create even higher qualitive and creative outputs.

            I dont think gpt4 is the biggest model that is out there but it does appear to be the best that is available.

            I can run a small llm at home that is much much faster then chatgpt… that is if i want to generate some unintelligent nonsense.

            Likewise there might be a way to redesign gpt-4 to run on consumer graphics card with high quality output… if you don’t mind waiting a week for a single character to be generated.

            I actually think some of the open sourced local runnable llms like llama, vicuna and orca are much more impressive if you judge them on quality vs power requirement.

  • Cheers for this. I tried a few of them while I’m waiting around and had one excellent result. I’m a near expert in one topic and I often test AIs against my knowledge for fun.

    Perplexity.AI did the best I’ve seen; it sourced its arguments which, finally, weren’t wrong so if I needed to, I could actually learn more about what it was talking about. It’s not 100% but the other AI are so bad at this topic I test it on I always give up immediately.

    I wouldn’t have seen it if it wasn’t for this post so thank you very much.

    • I don’t know if anyone will read this but I did further testing on perplexity when I got home. It’s probably not the right spot for it.

      I tried a more trickier question and then I chose the available prompts to move forward (it suggests questions related to the original question if you are unsure how to prompt it next). The prompts were intelligent and were probably the next question I would assume I would ask if I were learning about this topic. On the next answer, it literally quoted something I wrote, almost word for word, on the exact subject which, according to me (of course) would be the correct answer.

      I’ve never had an AI even reference a single thing I’ve written. I had prompted it into a general area where the things I had wrote existed so it should be expected but it made the connection almost instantly and answered the question 100% accurately.

      As much as I hate it, well done Skynet.

      Edit: After further testing, I can catch it out regularly enough but still, if I had to tell someone about the topic generally via email, I’d probably recommend it rather than me waste time typing it all out. I’ve just put myself out of a job.

    • I’ve tinkered with a Discord bot using the official gpt3.5 API. It’s astonishingly cheap. Using the 3.5-turbo model, I’ve never cracked $1 in a month and usually am just a couple cents a week. Obviously this would be different if you’re running a business with it or something, but for personal use like answering questions, writing short blurbs, and entertaining us while drunk…it’s not bad at all in my experience.