Red Hat has made RHEL closed source. This sparked much controversy and Oracle did a write up to accuse Red Hat’s actions.
Do we consider Red Hat to be on some anti-open-source scheme? Should we boycott Fedora and other Red Hat-sponsored distros that are used to create this closed source distro? (And I’m not sure if RH’s actions has violated the GPL.)
Maybe community-made distros like NixOS or Debian secured with Kicksecure will be better recommendations?
- kebabslob ( ) English6•2 years ago
This is misinformation. RHEL is still open source
- BrooklynMan ( ) English3•2 years ago
and what is the community’s response to SuSE’s decision to hard-fork?
- ursakhiin ( ) English2•2 years ago
Generally, I approve of it. RHEL customers should be able to migrate to SEL fairly easily if they want but there would be some caveats in tooling changes based on kernel version.
Having a hard RHEL fork would make that transition easier for customers that want to leave Red Hat.
The open source drama isn’t going to be something most Red Hat contract signers care about, though. So SUSE will have make the transition more appealing in other ways.
- Aeryl ( ) English2•2 years ago
RH Closing source code and adding telemetry to Fedora made me go back to Arch. Can’t trust these people
- Mane25 ( ) English6•2 years ago
RH Closing source code and adding telemetry to Fedora
Neither of those statements are true, it’s a shame when people make decisions on bad information.