• Meh, that’s more an “the past 5 decades” thing, and not so much an inability as much as a “don’t give a shit”.

    We knew since well over a century ago. For the past 5 decades it was clear to all governments that this was to be THE issue that would face humanity.

    What did we get?

    It’s a hoax! But muh economy!

    So humanity is fucked, nobody stopped those in charge, we get what we deserve.

  • Yeah, in a way, I still find it shocking how we’ve come out of a year of climate-related crisis and the COP, which could have been a crisis taskforce meetup was just a handwaving event.
    There were several nations represented there, that got hit hard this year by climate change. Why are these not demanding measures to limit damages?

    Honestly even, why are there still people working against this? What the hell are you going to do with your immorally amassed wealth in a world that’s falling apart?

  • Inability?

    It’s the will to do something! There a lot of green washing out there like Carbon capture and hydrogen cars. I don’t Private planes being be taxed out of existence.

    • The big problem is that the environmental movement has been hijacked by corrupt business interests. They have effectively gaslighted the entire movement to oppose their own goals. Instead of pushing real solutions like mass transit or hydrogen, they are now wasting huge amounts of resources on idea like battery powered cars. Even carbon capture will be needed eventually.

      What is necessary is for the environmental movement to have a major shakeup. It needs to kick out the scam artists and adopt more functional solutions.

  • Until the majority of normal people suffer, politicians won’t have a real reason to do much more than providing themselves a quasi-alibi. “Look we tried, but it just didn’t work out” *sips on wine in climate controlled cellar*