• Code within the official Reddit app suggests that the company is working on a Contributor program.
  • Redditors in the US could earn real money for the gold and karma that their posts and comments receive.
  • This will likely be subject to minimum withdrawal thresholds.
  • Copying my comment from the other threads:

    reddit started trialing a “Community Points” program in 2019 in /r/ethtrader, /r/cryptocurrency and /r/fortnite , where posters and commenters could earn “Community Points” that were supposedly backed up with crypto that you could eventually cash out. They announced an expansion of the program in December 2021 but, afaik, they never actually did so. Which might have something to do with the fact that one of the /r/cryptocurrency mods made $10,000 by selling community points. I don’t know if the program has actively continued since then; maybe someone who was in the three trial communities can say.

    My point is that reddit has been working on something similar to this program for at least five years now. And this article isn’t based on any announcement by reddit, but by someone examining their source code. It’s possible that this code has been present for a while and reddit has leaked it’s existence to try to attract back some of their lost contributors. Or even that it hasn’t been present but they included the old code in the newest app release and then pointed it out for the same reason.

    In any case, this article isn’t based on any official announcement, and reddit has been “trialing” a similar program for over four years. I wouldn’t hold out any hope that this actually sees daylight anytime soon, or that it’ll work well if it’s actually released.

    • or that it’ll work well if it’s actually released.

      I’ve seen a few different posts about this, and none of them have had commenters showing any hope of it working out well. Seems pretty universal that folks think it’ll lead to a worsening of their current bot problems.