I’m not sure if this is the best place for this cross-post, nor do I know how many users here occupy the parent+tech-savvy/sysop intersectional space. But for anyone with a child and privacy focused, this webapp made by Rikudou_Sage might be of interest?

Keep in mind, it doesn’t come with any instructions on self-hosting. It seems to leverage the serverless framework, though.

If this post is a bad fit, feel free to remove!

The github repos and the link to the Play Store app (it’s a wrapper) can be found under the original post spoiler section below.

original post

cross-posted from: https://lemmings.world/post/65255

A while ago I made an app for tracking baby activities because I became a parent and was horrified at how many permissions the existing apps required and how much tracking they contained. Both the app and the server are open source.

This is a web-app which also has an Android version in the Play Store (F-Droid didn’t accept it because they don’t feel like web-apps should be welcome in their store). On iPhones it can be installed as a PWA to the home screen.


  • No tracking whatsoever
  • End-to-end encrypted, no personal information is stored on the server unencrypted
  • Track baby’s feeding, diaper changes, breast pumping and sleeping (more to come)


  • Thanks for sharing! Currently I’m in the middle of writing the documentation. The UI already has one for self-hosting, the api is next, when I have some time.

    But even if you don’t self-host, everything is encrypted and the api doesn’t see any of your personal data unencrypted.

  •  Schedar   ( @Schedar@beehaw.org ) 
    211 months ago

    Thank you very much for posting this, for our first baby I’ve been using a tracking app because I just needed to use something and in the haze of sleep deprivation I was desperate. Looking back I regret all the data that was stored in there despite how useful it was to getting routines and being able to remember the important stuff while running on next to no sleep.

    We are expecting number two I’d like to be better and use something with a focus on privacy, security and simplicity (and isn’t full of horrible adverts or constantly pushing to referral shopping lists or blogs or other crap)

    Is there a way to support the author? If i end up using this I’d be happy to pay for it or donate or something.