After Roe v. Wade fell, the National Domestic Violence Hotline saw a 99-percent increase in callers reporting that people were trying to control their reproductive choices.

  • Fucking evil. Not only sexual abuse, but controlling their victims not only through forced pregnancies, but using the potential life of a baby as a tool for coercion. Attacking abortion was never about protecting the fetus, it’s only another method for Christian fascists to control and subdue women.

      • Because they honestly believe women are inferior. They might not say it literally but we got the last GOP nominee for Arizona governor saying “God didn’t create women as men’s equals” so who knows

        It comes from a desire to ensure that their worldview is never challenged, and people find appeal in it because it can give them a sense of purpose in life. A white woman might support Christian theocracy because she believes that she isn’t like those “sluts”, and that if she follows what rules are laid out for her she’ll find contentment.

        Check out BeliefItOrNot, a YouTube channel, former evangelical child who left the church in adulthood with lots of great perspectives on this.