• But it’s OK to advertise for more violence oriented games, because no one cares if people get murdered, that’s surely not a “sensitive” issue. Votes for women IS a sensitive social issue and it should be - hence the necessity for games that teach us all more about it.

    This is the kind of reverse thinking that goes on here in Utah all the time. We should not let teachers talk about women’s rights or the downtrodden native americans (which is now against the law here) but only teach that white people always do the right thing and have never raised a finger to hurt anybody.

    I’m looking forward to Parker Brother’s release of “Idiocracy, the board game your whole family will soon be playing.”

  • He added, “A woman’s right to vote is not a ‘sensitive social issue’. It is established law and fact. A board game about historical events from over a century ago is unlikely to ‘impact the outcome of an election or pending legislation’.”

    Hey, now and then, I hear the suggestion that women’s suffrage should be removed. Sometimes even from women that have totally bought into the patriarchy. Still, as far as I know, that opinion remains far from mainstream (thank goodness).

    Honestly, there’s still a lot of leftover shit from the Civil War that’s still affecting politics. And that’s almost 70 years older than the 19th Amendment.

    So while I agree that Women’s Suffrage is hardly sensitive, age seems to have little to do with it.