My data is already bought and sold by companies. But when government agencies do it, suddenly we only need to stop them. Stop this madness. It shouldn’t matter if it’s corporations or a government, why not stop the sale of people’s data?

    • Does the NSA need a warrant to purchase information that’s being legally gathered and sold?

      The governments in the US shouldn’t be collecting non-public information without a warrant if acquiring that information directly would require a warrant. Seems like a clear infringement of the 4th amendment.

    •  Smoke   ( ) 
      38 months ago

      No, no more than its illegal for a detective to use evidence seized in a raid against a thief ring, to arrest drug dealers because there was a photo of them holding big bags of cocaine with “We Love Dealing Drugs” written and autographed on the back. They’d never have a search warrant for the dealers’ house normally, but because it was robbed by someone else and the photo turned up somewhere else for them to find, it’s fair game.

      • Sure, but ex post facto is a thing. If people feel that this should be illegal they should write their representatives, but this headline is disingenuous.

        Actions are only illegal if they were against the law at the time they were taken. If fireworks become illegal on July 5th I can’t be found guilty for shooting them off on July 4th.

        The headline implies the NSA broke a law that does not exist, actively misleading those who read it. Shame on the “journalist” or editor that wrote it. Fabricated criticisms and grievances dilute genuine ones.

        • If people feel that this should be illegal they should write their representatives

          Waste of time and paper and you know that. Our representatives that would support us in this, and not just reply with a form letter, already know and push the issues but they are a minority in congress.

          If fireworks become illegal on July 5th I can’t be found guilty for shooting them off on July 4th.

          I’m more concerned with making sure it doesn’t happen in the future. If that means everyone being shitbags in the past get a free pass, maybe that’s worth it.

          The headline implies the NSA broke a law that does not exist,

          It sure would be nice if the PATRIOT act hadn’t fucked everyone’s opinion on privacy.

  • This is why people should start using Tor alongside their regular browser every day, even if it is for trivial things. Eventually it’ll be the difference between life and death for some poor bugger and the least everyone else can do is provide a bit of obfuscating cover.