No, ‘Western society’ has not fallen from some mythic elevated past. But such right-wing views are appealing, and the left needs an answer to them if we want to avoid being pushed back into traditional hierarchies.

  • Alvin Toffler’s books ‘The Third Wave’ and ‘Future Shock’ should get a mention. Back in the 1970s the writer and his wife figured out that the coming transition from Industrial to Digital Ages would be a bigger change then the move from hunter/gatherer to farming. ‘The Third Wave’ refers to the change itself and ‘Future Shock’ is the reaction; many people are unwilling/unable to adapt to a world where all their old ideas/skills are useless.

    • many people are unwilling/unable to adapt to a world where all their old ideas/skills are useless.

      I’d never considered that before, but it makes so much sense. It’s difficult for me to understand people being unwilling to adapt to changing times, personally, but that makes total sense.

      • Old joke, but true.

        If it was around before you were born, it’s natural and part of God’s design for the world.

        If it came around before you turned 10, it’s new and exciting.

        Before age 30, it’s an interesting innovation.

        After age 30, and it’s a silly gimmick for idiots.

        After 50 and it’s the Devil’s work and sure to cause the downfall of humanity.