•  4am   ( @4am@lemm.ee ) 
    2126 days ago

    Nah, I’m traveling. Never seen a totality before and there won’t be another in my area for the rest of my life. Last chance semi-locally unless I somehow end up in another part of the world.

  •  LostXOR   ( @LostXOR@fedia.io ) 
    24 days ago

    A bit too late for me, I arrived in the path of totality yesterday. I traveled to see the annular eclipse last October and it was absolutely amazing. I’m sure this one is going to be even better!

    Update: It was, hands down, the best thing I’ve ever seen. Don’t listen to the blog lol.

  •  Lemmeenym   ( @Lemmeenym@lemm.ee ) 
    1426 days ago

    Honestly, I don’t get it. I saw the total eclipse in '17 and I’ve seen a couple of partial eclipses and they weren’t particularly exciting. I live about 10 min outside of the total eclipse path and I’m not even sure I’m going to walk outside for it. What am I missing? Why are people spending thousands of dollars to see it?

    • I am not traveling to go see this one, but did for the one that went across the US a few years ago. I thought it was really cool and would go again if it weren’t so far away. The way the hot Tennessee day got so much cooler, the way the evening bugs came out, the birds stopped singing, the shadows looking like they had a bite out of them, all together with being able to see the suns corona for a couple minutes made for a really really cool experience for me. It was also a big party/camping trip with friends so that helped too.

      I could see it not having that impact for everyone, but I figured I’d share.

      •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
        22 days ago

        Fun fact: the Sun is 8.3 light-minutes away from Earth, so the eclipse will start with light that left the Sun 8 minutes earlier, and end with light that left it 4 minutes before the eclipse.

        If someone were to stand on Earth and send a signal to the Sun saying “hey, the eclipse is starting!”… it wouldn’t reach the Sun until 4 minutes after it already ended.

        (Edit: typo)