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As Beijing increases its repression of ethnic minorities in China to establish Han domination, the Chinese Communist Party is also devising numerous ways to ensure that the overseas media cannot expose this ongoing violation of human rights behind the bamboo curtain.

The Chinese media is highly censored. To project the false image of China as a progressive country, the mandarins of the CCP must prevent all these atrocities from being exposed in newspapers, news agencies and televisions in other countries.

To prevent the filtering out of the real situation in Tibet to other countries, measures like network shutdowns, internet filtering, social media censorship, confiscation of satellite dishes and shortwave radio signal jamming are adopted. The authorities persecute Tibetans who provide journalists with assistance without official permission. A well-known case was of Tashi Wangchuk, Tibetan herder-turned-shopkeeper who in 2018 was sentenced to five years in prison for ‘inciting separatism’ for having talked to a New York Times reporter in Beijing in 2015. “Some of my sources have been prosecuted and sentenced from three to 16 years. A lot of them have been imprisoned,” a Tibetan journalist in exile has been quoted.

Internet filtering and radio jamming help Tibetan news groups reach Tibetan audiences. Frequencies are jammed, and the authorities confiscate satellite dishes. Websites face ‘Disturbed Denial of Service’ attacks, which typically occur around sensitive political anniversaries of Tibetan people.