• Sometimes I see people complaining about firefox crashing or being low performance, and I’m always like, I’ve been using firefox for 20 years its always been fine. Then I see this and I’m like okay, I guess me topping out at 20-30 tabs when researching something new isn’t enough for some people? Use book marks.

  • Maybe it’s just my ADHD, but I can’t even imagine managing that many tabs.

    In my workflow, I start a project, then keep opening new tabs as I need to look things up, frequently moving tabs between multiple browsers spanning my 32" monitor. So long as I’m working on that problem, I just keep opening new tabs.

    Then, when I’ve finally squared away the section of the project I was working on, I usually just close the browser entirely and start fresh.

    Needing to manually sift through the 80+ tabs I chaotically opened in the last hour or so to figure out what’s worth keeping? Hell no. That’s what browser history is for. It’s Etch-a-Sketch time! Shake it clean and start fresh.

    • I follow a “rule of seven” with tabs: once I open the 8th tab, I check the other 7 to see if

      • I don’t need it any more - close it down
      • I’ll need it in a near future - keep it open
      • I’ll need it in a far future - bookmark it, close it down

      Seven is small enough to keep track of them, but large enough to be flexible.

    • Pretty sure it’s me ADHD that causes me to accumulate tabs like this…

      I’ll have dozens and dozens of windows full of tabs.

      I recently did a tab clean out before moving. And had tabs up from ideas or to do’s or items that interested me from 4+ years ago.

      Every time I restart my computer or close Firefox I always restore my previous session and get all those tabs back.

    • Whereas my ADHD has me keeping huge numbers of tabs open (although my record is only ~350) because once it’s closed, it’s completely gone from my mind. Bookmarks are a burial ground, and history has all the other stuff that I don’t need to reference anymore. With tabs, I can go through them and remember why I kept it around, and close it once I’ve actually done something with it.

  • A Firefox power user managed to keep over 7,400 browser tabs open continuously for two years. This impressive feat highlights both the robustness of the Firefox browser and the user’s dedication to multitasking or information hoarding. However, managing such a large number of tabs can significantly impact system performance and may not be practical for most users. Regularly organizing and closing unnecessary tabs can help maintain browser efficiency and improve overall system performance. Also visit Prüfen Sie dies.