• Absolutely fucked story. So many fucked up details are brought up in this article. At least 94 people have been killed by the cops/paramedics from administering sedatives to them involuntarily in situations like this in the last 10 years. Thats almost one death per month.

  • Behr’s report states that he didn’t take his taser out until Moore started running. Behr alleges that Moore threw the jar of jam and hit his hand. 

    Behr was X-rayed at HCMC and had “significant swelling” but no broken bones, according to his police report. The family and Moore’s attorney dispute that, saying that Moore dropped the jar as he was chased. It’s not possible to tell whether the jar was thrown or dropped from the videos. Officers tackle Moore a few feet away about six seconds after he bumped into the display.

    Fucking pigs want to charge him for hurting their hands while they were beating the shit out of him.