today’s example of why modern Conservatives are weird people

“Tampon Tim is hands down the best political nickname ever,” tweeted conservative commentator Liz Wheeler. “It’s so… savagely effective. In one word tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Tim Walz’s dangerous radicalism.”

The moniker refers to a law that Walz, the governor of Minnesota, signed last year, requiring public schools to provide menstrual products — including pads and tampons — to students in 4th through 12th grades.

Tim Walz’s dangerous radical agenda of…providing menstrual products to adolescent kids that might need them? lolol

  •  TehPers   ( ) 
    348 months ago

    What’s wrong with putting tampons in the men’s restrooms at schools? Won’t they come in handy if there is a shooting?

    Anyway, this reads to me like free advertising for Walz.

    (Disclaimer: do not try to use a tampon to patch a bullet wound)

  •  Ech   ( ) 
    338 months ago

    The rest of her tweets explains why they are crying “DANGER”

    He put tampons in men’s bathrooms! He’ll trans kids. He took away parental rights. He’s woke & creepy.

    So linking basic caring for children with the typical “groomer” bullshit.

    • I’ve seen the news story since, but my first thought when I heard about it yesterday from someone was ‘what is with conservatives weird obsession with little girls’.

      Now I know they are freaking out about the law being for all bathrooms, not just girls bathrooms. Trans panic aside, I can easily see a girl telling her boyfriend “the bathroom is out of tampons/pads, can you get me one from the boys bathroom?”.

  • You know that puritanical piece inside a lot of religious and right-leaning people? The one that winces away from knowing anything about women’s health because it’s “yucky”? They’re hoping to contaminate Walz with the yuck and hoping it stems some of their people from defecting.

    • They’re just tampons. New, not used. What’s the problem?

      This eschewing of acknowledging basic body functionality as relates to reproduction is very juvenile. They are VERY willing to discuss abortion which most know very little about in regard to how abortion, spontaneous or otherwise, actually works and how abortion is actually defined in a medical chart, but then shy away from a basic item found in every grocery store.

      Let’s dig in on private matters but then treat a sanitary item like a taboo(ish) insult and giggle a little on the topic.

      It is, dare I say it? Weird.

      • Some religions to this day decree when a female is “unclean” and should be isolated. The problem are people with that mentality.

        The same “yuck” factor lies at the root of not thinking rationally about tampons, abortions, childbirth, lactation, etc. Controlling a population’s approach to inherent bodily functions, has been an effective way of brainwashing for ages. Stuff like vote of celibacy, vote of silence, vote of reclusion, fasting, and similar. Convincing people to sacrifice for a doctrine, gets them invested and pulls them into a sunken cost fallacy.

        I’d call it Evil… but that is going onto their territory, so laughing it off with Weird, is probably a better strategy.

    • knowing anything about women’s health because it’s “yucky”

      Can we just rename Tampons for them, to “Jesus Sticks”, and when they have to have an uncomfortable conversation, they can just pull one out and say “You need Jesus”? Or when asking someone for one, someone can proudly proclaim “I need Jesus” to their friends.

      I’ve gotten the seriousness out in other comments; I just had the thought, and had to share it somehow, somewhere.

      They’ve done a good job making menstruation ‘yucky’; the majority of women I know have at some point apologized to me after periods come up in group or private conversations. It’s just a period, nothing to be ashamed of.

  • Never forget that when you are speaking to someone who strongly identifies with American Conservatism, you are speaking to a child in an adult body. You can’t have the same expectations that you would have of a mature adult. The fact that anyone would see this as an effective “attack” who is over the age of 8 is embarrassing.