•  jet   ( @jet@hackertalks.com ) 
    341 month ago

    Nerfing flame weapons then releasing a war bond with only flame weapons has to be the worst marketing move ever.

    Even if the nerfing is totally fine, the messaging is awful, hey we just made this stuff worse come buy it from us now.

  • The nerfs don’t bother me at all, and I like all the things they added.

    It seems clear to me though that they need some sort of community beta testing group to vet their changes, and they need to space those changes out better.

    The flamethrower nerf is what people are actually mad about, and that ruined a huge release of new enemies and then also the release of the new war bond with fire weapons.

    Those all should have been released one a week or something to keep momentum up.

  • Good grief they need to sort out their QA issues.

    I’m still playing at least a few dives each day because I’m having fun overall, but the constant surprises with stuff not working as intended makes for a lot of confusion and a reluctance to try things out. Whenever I take a flamethrower there are a ton of spitters who don’t miss, and they seem to be all or nothing.

    They really have the feel of the game down, and I actually love the new warbond thematically, but actually using the stuff in game is lackluster.

  •  Zombie   ( @Zombie@feddit.uk ) 
    1 month ago

    I generally play on difficulty 6. It felt the right balance of difficulty, sample rewards, and enjoyment, for me.

    I’ve been playing since release, so I’m a pretty high level now, and difficulty 6 was just starting to feel a bit too easy, and I was considering bumping up to level 7 as my standard difficulty.

    Then this update came out, and I’m lucky to make it out of a level 6 alive! It’s very teammate dependent and I find the quality of teammates has significantly degraded. That could be due to a higher percentage of school kids playing vs adults I guess, as it’s the summer holidays, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying.

    Basically, people need to communicate more and remember it’s a coop game. Ping the Bile Titans, Chargers, Impalers, there’s others on the team that can help. Tagging where you’re going on the map helps everyone coordinate. Microphones are not required, I use mine only when an in-game communication method isn’t available or I’m being swarmed but still need to say something, probably about once every two games.

    I don’t enjoy the missions as much as I did before the update, and I think a lot of the blame rests on Arrowhead’s shoulders but the user-base also needs to step up and learn to cooperate more in this cooperative game. Don’t one-man-army a bile titan, don’t ignore teammates that have found a bunker door, work together to increase your odds of survival, success, super credits, samples, and ultimately, fun.

    Old man rant over

  •  tiberius   ( @tiberius@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 month ago

    This patch is weird. The nerfs don’t bother me as I will drop the difficulty down or change my loadout depending on how much fun a team of 2 divers wants. I never did hard in Vermintide 2 because of the friendly fire and lack of skill.

    What raises an eyebrow are the mission ending bugs. Bug breaches not spawning in the high value asset mission and rockets not launching. Weird disconnects and crashes that were not there pre-patch. I hope we get more stability patches until the next content patch.

  • Well, I think the performance issues were definitely understated. I know the patch notes said “we have stability issues in difficulty 10” but we went for it anyway, and it feels like not a single match goes by without at least one person disconnecting or crashing.

    Additionally it makes zero sense to have nerfed fire and then put out an all fire-based battle pass. That was going to lose them points. It’s not like the flamethrower was particularly good at anything besides burning bugs to a crisp, and now none of it is good for anything.

    • I’ve played maybe 15 rounds since the update, but only found one mission-related bug. We completed both sub-objectives for an ICBM, and it told us that we could extract without launching the missile. And given we had 2 reinforcements left, we sure weren’t looking a gift horse in the mouth.

      •  Altima NEO   ( @altima_neo@lemmy.zip ) 
        1 month ago

        I’ve had a few that were just wack. One wouldn’t let us drop the soil survey strategem.

        On another, we were supposed to activate a pump, but the controls wouldn’t let you interact with them. Then later during that mission, the game freaked out and instantly teleported us from the middle of a battle with bugs back onto the destroyer. We were just stuck up there. The hellpods were dark.

  • I’ve been casually enjoying the update. The nerf to the incindiary breaker was unexpected, but as a guy with an ammo pack, it didn’t matter much.

    Mega hives and difficulty 10 in general are hectic and hilarious. Honestly it feels like it’s been awhile since the reinforcement stock dropped below 10 for me. Actually having a challenge after players have gotten good is refreshing.

    The flame nerf is understandable considering they released a primary and secondary flame launcher. Imagine a secondary just melting charger in seconds. That’s what would have happened had they not changed the flames to glance off heavier armors.

    One of my friends who got back into the game specifically for this update has gone straight into being a fire elemental. Believe me when I say that he doesn’t care even a little about flames only burn soft bits. Being near him is hard though as the floor is always lava.