The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful lobbying group widely known as AIPAC, has officially spent more than $100 million in the 2024 election cycle so far, pouring staggering sums into Democratic primary races in an effort to unseat progressive opponents of Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip.


AIPAC money has already made a significant impact, helping a pair of pro-Israel Democrats defeat progressive Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.)—two of Congress’ most vocal critics of Israel’s assault on Gaza—in recent primary contests.


“A very bad sign for democracy that MAGA billionaires are spending this much money to shape our politics,” the youth-led Sunrise Movementwrote in response to the new spending figures, referring to the Republican megadonors who have fueled spending by AIPAC-aligned groups.


Jan Koum, the former WhatsApp CEO who helped bankroll Nikki Haley’s failed presidential bid, is the top donor to AIPAC’s super PAC.

“Other UDP [United Democracy Project, which is AIPAC’s super PAC] donors in recent months have included the following: David Messer, CEO of Freepoint Commodities, who gave another $250,000 on July 1; Martin Geller, CEO of financial firm Geller & Company, who gave an additional $268,000 on June 25; and Frank Blair, equity portfolio manager at Capital Group, who gave an additional $200,000 in May,” Sludge reported.