Archived version

It has been two years since the US Supreme Court blew up federal protection for abortion, handing states the power to enact abortion bans and realising the decades-long fever-dream of anti-rights actors.

Though a minority in the US, these extremists are loud and determined and won’t stop at our borders. Their plans for the future are outlined in Project 2025, which is already being implemented in the US and abroad through anti-abortion and anti-LGBTIQ+ initiatives and would be fully executed if radical conservative forces reclaim the White House.

While political ads have featured Project 2025, no one is talking about the profound global impact of this manifesto. It would revive anti-gender US human rights policy frameworks like the Commission on Unalienable Human Rights and the Geneva Consensus Declaration, favouring anti-rights alliances and networks with other authoritarian regimes. Essentially, this amounts to a gutting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the cornerstone of multilateral engagement for the past 76 years.


The architects of this agenda would take a transactional and punitive approach to multilateralism, putting at risk the US’s entire $18.1bn contribution to the United Nations. Particularly vulnerable are the US’s $122m contribution to the World Health Organization and $32.5m to the United Nations Population Fund – which aims to improve reproductive and maternal health worldwide – as well as other UN agencies that were targeted by the 2017-2021 administration.