Archived version

Archived version

The former U.S. president’s remarks are not only factually inaccurate, but dangerous.

During a conversation onstage at a Moms for Liberty event last week, former U.S. President Donald Trump said that “the transgender thing is incredible.”

“Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child," he told the Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice.

First, schools are not providing sex-change operations to students. Even from a purely financial perspective, that seems obvious: Teachers still have to buy their own crayons; schools aren’t shelling out for surgeons. Second, educators are not deciding “what’s going to happen” with students, beyond subjecting them to a pop quiz or an in-school suspension.

During a conversation onstage at a Moms for Liberty event last week, former U.S. President Donald Trump said that “the transgender thing is incredible.”

“Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child," he told the Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice.

First, schools are not providing sex-change operations to students. Even from a purely financial perspective, that seems obvious: Teachers still have to buy their own crayons; schools aren’t shelling out for surgeons. Second, educators are not deciding “what’s going to happen” with students, beyond subjecting them to a pop quiz or an in-school suspension.

  • As someone who did actually go through the procedure, there is SO MUCH red tape you have to jump through regarding insurance, doctors, and so on that if they WERE offering them, adults would be posing as school children to get them.

    I needed insurance approval, two letters from two therapists, a psychologist evaluation, a letter from my endocrinologist, proof of care, and a bunch of other paperwork I don’t care to remember. It took about a year to get approval.

    •  Rekhyt   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      It’s like Hogwarts houses for non-transphobes

      This implies that Harry Potter is for transphobes and I refuse to let JKR being a big ol POS take away Harry Potter from me. Death of the author exists for a reason.

      • Death of the author implies the author being dead (like, say, Lovecraft) and unable to cash in on your fame to fund their problematic crusades.

        Anyway, as far as Hogwarts houses go, if you put one in your bio, you’ll start getting attention from ladies with floral names convinced that you’re also Concerned about “gender ideology in schools” or whatever.

      •  LukeZaz   ( ) 
        7 months ago

        While I’ll agree that even focusing on votes is healthier than constantly worrying about how the terrible guy continued saying terrible things, there are better tactics than that available to us. If folks here want to worry about votes though, I’d recommend things that fight voter disenfranchisement, like ensuring polls have sufficient volunteers, or helping ensure people in line to vote will have enough time, food and water to wait out a long line.

        (It should be noted though that it is unlikely he will be convicted, even if the Dems win, so don’t get your hopes too high.)

  • [transgirl moment]

    OMGGG jhbendlvckhedjohfvajodfhvaleRDKHFILU I FUCKING WISH THIS WERE TRUE!

    [/transgirl moment]

    But alas, it is not true, and the schools are not providing free surgeries. But Trump sure does like to lie about shit. This is why we should NEVER EVER LET HIM WITHIN 9875093847592798728752347527093847805 MILES OF BEING IN THE OVAL OFFICE

    TL;DR: Never Vote Trump. Anyone who does is foolishly ignoring his lying.

  • Huge problem with this is that his supporters don’t care about truth - they only care about what feels right.

    They think children just wake up one day and decide to change their gender - not realizing that it takes years living as your gender, multiple therapists, hormones, and consultations.

    Just complete ignorance and apathy.

  •  Kache   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    Call their bluff!

    If they’re SO concerned and want help signing bans for imaginary problems into law, there are plenty of real issues worth trading for in exchange.

    E.g. from now on, schools nationwide are additionally funded to both prohibit litterboxes for students that identify as cats and provide free and healthy school lunches.