Money corrupts; bitcoin corrupts absolutely. Disregarding all of bitcoin’s shortcomings, a financial instrument that brings out the worst in people—greed—won’t change the world for the better.

  •  Soyweiser   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    From their earlier writing on Bitcoin: “but some doubts arose about the aforementioned professor: Saifedean Ammous.” Saifedean Ammous might not be an actual professor, or a sane person at least, I assume you all are just as shocked as I am. (E: turns out it is his actual real name, can’t make this up).

  • A lot of points in here that I always wanted to confront Monero supporters with. It seems like the least scummy crypto out there, and I occasionally see generally lefty people stanning it, but it has the same fundamental flaws. Maybe the scammers are currently vacuumed up by the richer scamming grounds of eth/btc, but it wouldn’t survive it’s own success.