• Lt. Caleb Stewart is an absolute piece of microwaved dog shit.

    He has issued the majority of the citations for unlawful camping in Louisville.

    Once in the police vehicle, Stewart narrated to *himself as his body camera recorded his comments. “So I don’t for a second believe that this woman is going into labor,” he said.

    In his police report, Stewart did not reference the pregnancy or her immediate departure in an ambulance. He simply wrote: “Ofc. observed listed subject camping underneath the interstate bridge at listed location by utilizing camping paraphernalia (mattress, blanket, pillow as bedding).

    In January, Stewart received a commendation from the department for responding to “issues related to the houseless population” with “compassion and professionalism toward everyone.” As the Courier Journal first reported, Stewart is facing a 20-day unpaid suspension for helping to cover up a subordinate’s use of force against a man likely experiencing homelessness last year — a suspension he is now appealing.

    In the body camera footage, as Stewart drove away from the scene, he narrates the encounter, justifying his choice to cite her to himself. He says that, if he had let her go without citing her, it would “set the precedent” that people could claim a medical emergency to get out of a ticket. “As much as, like the casual observer who, you know, believes everything that lady said, would think that it maybe wasn’t the most appropriate way to handle it, I’m very confident that was the appropriate way to handle it,” Stewart says, “with the exception of perhaps that maybe I yelled at her a little too quickly when she was in the street.”

    This man must just hate people without a house to live in. How the hell can he look at himself in the mirror? How can his family be okay with him screwing over people who are already down? Just wow… this is America.

    •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
      3 months ago

      How the hell can he look at himself in the mirror?

      I can answer that.

      Some decades ago, before all the PC censorship on the Internet, there were sites teaching young men what to do in the morning… among which, was always stuff like:

      1. Look yourself in the mirror, repeat 5 times the pledge: “I am a worthy member of the superior race. I will spend this day ensuring my worthiness. I and my brothers will proudly seize this day to train our bodies and mind.”

      How can he look in the mirror?.. Proudly.

      PS: Nazis can fuck off.

      • I’m pretty sure you’re writing this to lambast that kind of thing, but I think the reply to you and some other people might think you’re supporting it. I imagine your last line is poking fun at proud boys, but it might come across to some as you legitimately believing it. Please let me know if that’s the case, but otherwise it might be worthwhile to note in your comment that you don’t actually support that rhetoric, and that you’re just providing context.

        • I’m citing a first-person historical fact of having read some real websites on the uncontrolled Internet of the 1990s, and the answer they offered to that question.

          I don’t support that kind of rhetoric, but I did leave my opinion out of the comment… is it really needed? The link to the Proud Boys is the other way around: it predates them by some 20 years.

          • Ending your comment with “… Proudly” can be interpreted as you personally agreeing with that line of thinking. The ellipsis preceding “proudly” read (to me) as a wink and a nod to modern proud boys, but I can see how it can be interpreted as a pregnant pause before you revealing your personal opinion that he should be proud of his actions. I only commented that it might be worthwhile to mention if you don’t support them because at least the other comment I see seems to have interpreted your comment to mean that you endorse nazi rhetoric. Is it “needed”? No, nothing is needed from a random comment you make, but leaving it as is leaves your position on it open to interpretation. If someone commented “why did hitler hate the Jews?” and someone responded “He hated their greediness and degeneracy” (or whatever), that’d likely be interpreted as them also holding those beliefs. I understand your comment was a little more nuanced, but I was just chiming in on the fact that it indeed can be read as you also holding those beliefs. I personally like to make clear that nazis can fuck off, especially if my alternative is potentially being associated with them, but you do you.