ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That’s a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."

    • Since people don’t work for free and some people have more money than others, finland is obviously an extreme right wing faschist oligarchy where people live in miserable slavery and needs the proletariat red army invasion like right now. Wouldn’t even be hard for a landlocked nation. The capital Reykvetsvhik would fall in minutes thanks to the liberated people welcoming their saviors.

      Yes im American, how could you tell? /S

  • I think it’s important to clarify that markets and the use of money are not exclusive to capitalism. Under capitalism, the point of markets is to accumulate money absent of any actual project or goal, and money is the way the capital holding class keeps score. In other systems, the point of markets is to connect people who have some item with people who need or want that item and money is the means of exchange. Markets are fine for distributing excess materials and labor, once people’s basic needs are met.

    • Definitely something people forget when talking about money in general. Capitalism warps the meaning of “value”, money is just the closest we have to display a certain value in a tangible form. In itself, money is merely a tool for universal exchange of goods. A tool that’s unfathomably useful no matter the system it exists in.

      Imagine we treat money like US citizens treat measurements. “Yeah, I’d like to buy these produce for about the value of 1 middle-sized football field”. What.

    • Socialism. Plenty of models that use or aspire to that system, especially when it’s part of a larger capitalist society and one can’t expect the workers to change it all.

      Few large coops are truly equal partnerships or that democratic though.

      Generally speaking, what prevents it from falling under capitalism is non-transferable ownership stakes. Otherwise the workers can sell their stake and the system inevitably declines into capital interests hiring employees instead of a partnership.

  • Keynesian economic policy resulted in unprecedented prosperity for 60 years. It ended by Reagan’s trickle down supply side economics.

    Seems now there’s a false dichotomy between supply side economics (which is an obvious failure) and communism (which was an obvious failure).

    Crazy idea, maybe we should consider using economic policy that was proven to work? I guess that makes me hated by both the “right” and the “leftists” (two peas in a pod). So where would that put me in your made up political spectrum?