OfficerBribe ( ) 37•28 days agoIn Latvia we recently introduced a law where we must add country of origin on price tags for all food products. It is quite fun and sometimes surprising to see where something was made.
Kusimulkku ( ) 15•28 days agoI like stuff that says
Origin of beef: EU and outside of EU
Like yeah that’s real specific
Swedneck ( ) 5•28 days agoCurry Spice Mix
Ingredients: spices Mr Poletski ( ) English3•28 days agoPerhaps cows are allowed to freely move over the EU border? I’ve got it, is this since brexit? if so then they must be Irish cows…
SplashJackson ( ) 18•28 days agoI didn’t realize the black star was the symbol of Europe! How futuristic
Mr Poletski ( ) English2•28 days agoWell you know what they say, In the Villa of Ormen, stands a solitary candle.
ZealousSealion ( ) 11•28 days agoIt more precisely indicates that the product is made by a corporate entity where the top level company is European. The product can still be made by a US subsidiary, or be made from 100% US ingredients, and still get the star.
If anyone asks it’s Salling Group.
cabbage ( ) English1•28 days agoSo Netto and Føtex, for all intents and purposes. The Netto close to home is too shit and Føtex is too far away, but good to know!
I wonder if the entire EEA is included in this, or just the EU27.
50 euros for a liter of organic testosterone isn’t bad
Lupus ( ) 8•28 days agoDenmark doesn’t use the euro, they use danish crowns - 49,95 DKK are 6,69€ so that’s basically a steal!
Lazycog ( ) 9•28 days agoSweet! Would be cool if they would adopt this in other countries as well!
ddash ( ) 6•28 days agoMaybe a circle of stars or the actual European flag would be clearer communication, but I appreciate this step!
Swedneck ( ) 7•28 days agoi don’t really think these displays have the resolution for that
Blackmist ( ) English4•28 days agoIt’s barely got the resolution for one star given that it’s been photoshopped on at a higher resolution than the rest of the label.
not_IO ( ) English4•28 days agowtf is 1L of Organic Test and it costs 50 euros? what a mysterious sign
hemko ( ) English4•28 days ago50DKK (Danish Kroner) is like 7 euros.
No idea what that thing is though
VodkaSolution ( ) 4•28 days agothere are already European laws to clarify if a product is made entirely in a single country or in EU, same with raw materials; you can read it on the label of food, wine, oil, etc
Leeuk ( ) English3•26 days agoReally hope Aldi and Lidl in the UK do this 🤞 (Tesco is no1 supermarket but sadly can’t see them following)
boonhet ( ) 2•26 days agolidl
They pretty much sell their own brands anyway, don’t they? Unless it’s different in the UK.
So technically most things they sell are European brands.