This is one sample visit to the conservative subreddit. It’s an appalling example of the impact of disinformation. When you need to be reminded of who the enemy is and what they think, visit here. You will see that there is no gratitude or mutual respect, and there never was. There was never any concept of mutual benefit. And now, with Trump leading the cult, there truly is no depth to which they won’t go, and no decisions from Trump that won’t be retroactively justified.
These people are dangerous, and they don’t give a shit about any alliances, friendship or partnership. And they control the levers of power.
Edit to add a screenshot. Not sure how to add more, but it doesn’t get any better as you go deeper. What’s clear is that this relationship is over, and we need to move on.
AlolanVulpix ( ) English67•20 days agoThis is what happens when you have unchecked disinformation.
Let’s prevent that from happening by not spreading American owned media pretending to be Canadian, that infiltrates Canadian culture and politics.
HungryJerboa ( ) 6•20 days agoAhahaha How much more blatant can it be that the site is American?
wieson ( ) 44•20 days agoThis is actually classic fascist playbook:
- We are the strongest
- But also - o no - we are under attack from all sides, everyone is against us
Phil_in_here ( ) 15•20 days agoI hope they skip ahead to the last chapter, the kys-in-a-bunker section specifically.
epicstove ( ) English8•20 days agoIf they’re gonna play follow the leader they should play it right.
HootinNHollerin ( ) English32•20 days agoThat’s not America that’s r/conservative
DragonTypeWyvern ( ) 15•20 days agoSo what the people in charge of America are telling the fascists to think.
Nightwatch Admin ( ) 26•20 days ago1.1k effective downvotes in r/Conservative, that’s amazing even for explicit libtard comments. If that sub isn’t swallowing your Drumpf Deitification, you’re really and utterly stone bonkers.
BreadlineVIP ( ) Français3•19 days agoI came to the comment section to see if anyone had noticed! I mean -1k is extremely telling and I’m honestly surprised they don’t all ride the canada-is-full-of-drugs train
Cyborganism ( ) 20•20 days agoThey all look like bot accounts with AI generated content.
stardust ( ) English12•20 days agoWould it surprise anyone if it was a Russian run subreddit. Heard moderation is heavy handed to quickly snuff out dissent with people having their conservative flairs taken away if they dare question dear leader who drinks the sun and eats the sky.
IslandLife ( ) English16•20 days agoLol, I’ve literally never seen that many downvotes. What a toxic sub though.
cows_are_underrated ( ) 16•20 days agoIts funny seeing this stuff in r/conservative getting down voted as hell.
lost_faith ( ) 5•20 days agor/republican is no better. They literally spout the lies trump spews and believe them 100%
kent_eh ( ) English16•20 days agoThat subreddit is nothing more than an echo chamber. If you express an even slightly reasonable view, you get banned.
The only way for dissenting opinions to be expressed is with the downvote button, and even then most reasonable people avoid going there because it’s so frustrating to read.
thefluffiest ( ) 15•20 days agoWouldn’t be surprised if this was Made in St. Petersburg™️. And American ‘conservatives’ just lapping it up
formulaBonk ( ) English0•20 days agoThere is so few actual people left in that sub. It’s just ai comments and absolute staggering amount of Astro turfed propaganda
anachronist ( ) English13•19 days agor/Conservative are like the lambs from Animal Farm.
crapwittyname ( ) 12•20 days agoJames O’Brien isn’t my favourite talking head, but I do like his idea of having contempt for the conmen and compassion for the conned. These people have swallowed a lot of big lies and the fault is with the liars.
Zizzy ( ) 14•20 days agoI agree that someone conned deserves compassion. You got tricked into sending someone money? Im sorry, even if it was dumb of you, im angry at the scammer.
But when you get scammed and the person who scammed you says theyre using your money for atrocious hateful acts, say making someones existence illegal, and you double down and say "well actually theyre right let me send more money, " you do not have any sympathy from me.
crapwittyname ( ) 6•20 days agoYou’re 100% entitled (and right) to feel that way. But there are a lot of lies these people have been fed, often from birth, about for example white supremacy etc. that only education can really erase. Education is withheld by the same liars that profit from the hatred they whip up.
Now I’m not advocating for the softly, softly approach with them, I’m all for punching Nazis, and it’s ultimately up to the individual what to believe. But these drones aren’t the right target, it’s the monsters that made them that way and hide behind them, the people in power advocating for e.g. religion and ethnonationalism to increase their power and profits. They are the root cause. And their first victims are these ignorant sheep forming a human shield around them. If I were to explain how much contempt I have for those people this would be a massive text wall that probably breaks Lemmy TOS. HungryJerboa ( ) 3•20 days agoNono, let these morons suffer their consequences. I hope they don’t mind learning Russian because they’re going to need it to communicate with their new masters.
Kichae ( ) English5•20 days agoThe con they got suckered into is American Exceptionalism, and it’s not Trumppy that suckered them. He’s a victim of the same brainrot.
These guys are reveling in it, and I have no sympathy for those that choose “we’re just better than everyone else” as part of their core identity.
prole ( ) 3•19 days agoThese people have swallowed a lot of big lies and the fault is with the liars.
These people are adults and are responsible for their beliefs and actions.
crapwittyname ( ) 2•19 days ago100%
The difference is I would leave the door open for them to come back to reason, maybe even give them the benefit of the doubt. But the people purposely manipulating then are, I think, beyond forgiveness.
kandoh ( ) 3•20 days agoIf they were truely conned sure. But most of these guys just thought the pain would be placed on others, not them. They’re fine woth others suffering, but the tears start to flow when they experience anything negative at all.
Corvus Nyx ( ) English1•20 days agoTo some degree, sure. But these are adults with the capability and responsibility to think for themselves. It’s one thing to punch down on someone repeatedly for a mistake or being fooled, and yes, the majority of the fault lies with the deceiver, but these people aren’t stupid either. Trump and the rest of the Republican ilk made it clear what they’re about, and their actions speak louder than their rhetoric. If folks are foolish enough to believe him over and over again, the problem is just as much them as it is him.
hydration9806 ( ) 9•20 days agoI’m confused. The screenshot you shared just has two idiots sharing stupid opinions and 1.1 thousand/389 people (likely from the same subreddit) disagreeing with them.
I’m not saying the conservative subreddit isn’t unhinged, but this feels pretty cherry picked.
Maybe share a photo of the most upvoted comments for a better reference?
Phoenixz ( ) 9•19 days agoYeah, a trade war with Canada is easy to win for the US
A trade war with Canada and Mexico is a bit tougher, the two biggest trading partners, pretty much
Mexico, Canada and China is tough
Mexico l, China, Canada, and the EU? You’re fucked US
iltoroargento ( ) 8•20 days agoSometimes, I wish I didn’t have eyes… This is one of those times.
Jesus fucking christ. Like, if I typed that shit, I’d hope someone would put me in a fucking psych ward, stat. People need some fucking help.
CircaV ( ) English8•19 days agoThe problem is that we no longer agree on what reality is with Trump sycophants. For them lies are truth, night is day, less then 1% of fentanyl is a national emergency, etc even when presented with facts and objectivity. It’s legit terrifying and I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how our politicans are able to deal with people they can’t share reality with. Canada’s going to bear the brunt of US delusion and unreality.
floofloof ( ) 3•19 days agoI found this video interesting, about Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity and how it relates to Arendt’s investigation into what made Nazis do what they did. In brief, he characterises stupidity as not just ignorance, but ignorance that resists and is opposed to learning, and he said this stupidity could be a more damaging force than evil.