adm ( ) English18•19 days agoAmerican here, if you stop listening to them then you loose track of how bat shit insane the lies they’re spewing are. They’ll drive a wedge between you and their audience and you won’t even know why. It will be because they’ll prime their audience against you at every turn. Corporate media and alternative media are always working their way into the minds of your family and friends. Trust me. You can’t ignore them. That’s how I lost family.
Cataphract ( ) 5•19 days agoI agree with you and about the importance of keeping updated. Just remember you don’t have to be the one watching it. There are really great pundits out there who are already doing the hard work of swallowing the crap and serving it up in a decent format. The good ones usually include the hypocrisy, rebuttals, reality of the situation, all sorts of knowledge to share with friends and loved ones (even better if you find a good segment to start them on new news media). (I can provide some creators, but there’s a lot out there you can probably find)
I honestly don’t know how effective any of this is though with the constant swallowing of propaganda. You can dispute one claim with facts, but then they watch an afternoon and get 5 more. I think steering them clear of the bullshit is the most important thing but it’s not just news sources but algorithms on every platform that keeps them locked into that mindset. Laws need to be passed for news/media organizations to make them responsible for the things they report if we want to actually try and reach citizens instead of corpomedia.
edit: grammar
sunfur82 ( ) English0•19 days agoI agree too. its frustrating, because on one hand, it gets exhausting listening to all the false information they’re putting out, or just outright lies, but on the other hand, it’s important to keep informed and know what they’re doing. I guess in the end, it’s really just a tactic; tell as many lies as possible, because the other side won’t have the time, energy and resources to dispute and rebut all of them. So the lies not being challenged will be believed to be true. And that side will keep piling on the lies, because they know the other side can’t refute all of them.
I remember in one of the US debates, one side was telling lies and saying things that were objectively, factually false, and they weren’t being called out by it by the moderator. Later on, one of the analysts on another network said that the problem was, if the moderator keeps fact checking the person who’s always lying, it looks like they’re picking on them and favouring the other side. When someone pointed out that was because the other side wasn’t lying, or lying to the same degree, the analyst said it didn’t matter; what mattered was the perception.
CBC is really the only source I follow and trust, but I’m not sure what other sources to go to. I want to be more informed, but don’t know what other sources to go to.
Cataphract ( ) 0•19 days agolol I remember that about the debate fact checking and all the crap they kept throwing up on how a real debate is practically impossible (even though many smaller broadcasters and organizations don’t seem to have any problem with it). They say debates are useless and I’m starting to agree with the general consensus. Now, they should be important. But they way they’re covered in mainstream as more about “feelings”, the lies and propaganda that are allowed to be spread at them, and the fact no politician is actually held accountable for campaign promises makes them moot as they exist today.
I would recommend Majority Report and Humanist Report (Canadian based) off the top off my head (they have links to all their uploads on all the platforms for whatever you use). There are a lot of more independent news organizations that are decent if you start looking for them.
sunfur82 ( ) English0•19 days agoYeah, I read a take where they said it’s more about inflaming people than actually informing them. And I can see it more and more, it’s all about the 2-3 word slogans. It’s gotten to the point where, if the slogan or message is too long to fit on a bumper sticker, people will just tune it out.
Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out, especially the Humanist Report.
Nemean_lion ( ) English11•19 days agoNah, bro. Never block or ignore enemy media. Because if you do, you don’t know what the enemy is thinking. Keep your enemies close.
MyBrainHurts ( ) English0•19 days agoTotally fair, but maybe we advocate for pirating it? I agree with you it’s important to know what the enemy is thinking etc (also, in less apocalyptic terms, I agree with JSM “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.”) but I don’t wouldn’t advocate people pay and support those American companies.
Jerkface (any/all) ( ) English5•19 days agoThe trollbots that used to howl to defund the CBC and fuck Trudeau have recently had their prompts changed, and now they are promoting Canada, because a Canada that is fighting back against the USA with the support of the world is exactly what Russia would want to happen.
And everyone is eating it up, didn’t know borscht was so popular
Jerkface (any/all) ( ) English1•19 days agoPeople love to love Canada, it’s some kind of weird super power. We can get away with the worst shit and the world just sees maple syrup and hockey. And then Canadians bask in that false reflected glow, and start to think that’s what they’re really like.
mintiefresh ( ) English5•19 days agoWow. I didn’t know this. But I do get most of my news from the CBC.
epicstove ( ) English3•19 days agoI’ve… Never interacted with any of these except maybe the Toronto sun.
Actually most of the news I’ve watched has been CBC.