Canada’s largest newspaper chain, Postmedia, is owned by an American hedge fund headed up by a wealthy donor to Donald Trump.

  •  HonoredMule   ( ) 
    8 days ago

    It doesn’t even need to be specifically targeting the U.S. Canada should require all media operating in Canada with a physical presence to have Canadian majority ownership/controlling interest. That is (I believe) enforceable as well as non-discriminatory and fully justifiable as a matter of national security.

  •  BeNotAfraid   ( ) 
    9 days ago

    A friendly reminder to everyone. Lemmy is absolutely not representative of the broader mass media dialogue happening around us. We have to be paying attention to how all people, close with us in our day to day lives interact with it instead. My boss is a retired mechanic who thought Trump was gonna run the US “like a business.” I have been speaking very openly about my views on the American News Media bias in Canada. How new and legacy media are both monopolies controlled by the same small group of men. How the Heritage Foundation funded the Trump Campaign. How every far-right group appearing after Covid had the same names and message. America First, Canada First, Britain First, Ireland First, Francais Premier and all, coincidentally, funded by right-wing, American, Christian groups. Something clicked with him today, while he was on his phone and I watched as it all suddenly made sense to him.

    Then I watched as he actually became worried. People know that it’s Big Tech and we have to have these conversations, because that’s how you get people to put their phones down and re-evaluate the idea of trusting 5 companies with all of their personal information and doing all computing in a web browser. That’s how you wake them up to the fact that LLM’s and embedded AI assistants are only their to spy on you and silence dissent.

    Hey Co-pilot, have any of our user’s expressed dissatisfaction with the regime? Here’s a curated list.

    We are so close to class consciousness do not let this echo-chamber be a safe space. Get Offline, get loud, get honest. Fuck Google

    • This is important information for people to read and unddrrstand. As a denizen of multiple communities for over 25 years I think the seeds of ideas start with these forums. They are almost like a canary in the coal mine to give us an idea what will bubble up to the surface to grandma.

      We’re not the majority on Lemmy, many instances are curated to keep out the filth. But content is recycled and moves throughout the net. I’m reminded of this old meme, eventually content makes it to facebook where my mom and elders consume content.

    •  kent_eh   ( ) 
      17 days ago

      My boss is a retired mechanic who thought Trump was gonna run the US “like a business.”

      Running government like a business is a horrible idea.

      The 2 are vastly different types of organizations with very different goals and motivations.

  •  eureka   ( ) 
    159 days ago

    I highly recommend reading Manufacturing Consent[wiki]. It’s easy to find free online. It explains how mass media is systematically filtered by five major factors, the first being ownership, which is more and more relevant every year as media outlets consolidate under the ownership of billionaires like Murdoch, Bezos, Musk and Bloomberg, who have very different material class interests to the other 99.99999[…]% of the population.

    • They’re vultures and parasites. They get a friendly CEO into a company who then sells off useful assets and changes to renting/leasing.

      Does your org own property/offices. Sell those of to another company under the hedge to show high numbers for the first numbers. Then the company needs to rent - often from those same funds and possibly that exact same property they’re still in - which then makes the business less and less profitable as supply chain is also replaced with whatever profits the hedge most.

      Finally, declare bankruptcy, fire-sale any remaining assets (probably to hedge-fund buddies), close up shop and let all the workers go

      • I figured things were at the end when Nespresso pulled out their boutique from the flagship downtown Montreal location last year, or two years ago.

        The homeless tents lined up on the West and East sides of the building didn’t help, or the defective escalators.

        They say the retail landscape changed too much and passed them by, but downtown there’s Simon’s that has IMO pretty much the same large store with clothes, sheets, bath supplies. No appliances or perfumes though, maybe The Bay was just too big.

  • If they’re going to be internationally owned, they should have to have a heading of the top of articles when the bias is made away from Canadian interests. We should have choice of news, we should also know where the bias in the reporting is coming from when it’s not Canadian owned.

    Similar to a site like ground news that shows the way articles lean and from which publishers.

  • How about banning them from majority share in any major Canadian business. I’m tired of the buy, drain, dismantle cycle perpetuated but these vultures

    •  BeNotAfraid   ( ) 
      8 days ago

      Carney is a former central banker, he will not do anything to upset the flow of money. Realistically, every single career politician in the world is complicit in this. Why can we build no more, houses? Why is everything so expensive? Why is the American party of “progressiveness” running Kamala Harris whose brother is CEO at Uber? It’s an illusion, they are all compromised, they are all bought, that’s just the nature of Capitalism. We have bring back the death penalty, but only for corporate person-hood. If you commit global terroristic acts like Meta, Muskrat and Amazon, we should be able to kill these things. We have to stop putting the 1%'s property rights over the lives of the 99%. It’s our planet, why do we need elected individuals whose sole purpose is to make decisions detrimental to everyone but themselves. We need to make Fight Club a documentary.