• […]all potential donors — regardless of sexual orientation, sex or gender — will be screened with a new questionnaire that evaluates their individual risks for HIV based on sexual behavior, recent partners and other factors. Potential donors who report having anal sex with new partners in the last three months will be barred from giving until a later date.

    •  Hirom   ( @Hirom@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      This sounds similar to generic rules for blood donation in my area. Any potential donnor who have relations with a new partner in the last few months is temporarily barred from donation. There used to be a stricter rule for MSMs but this specific rule was lifted a while ago.

      Also I believe some tests are done, either for new donnors, or upon each donation. Some people learn about an illness when trying to donate.

      • the dropping of sex- or gender-specific restrictions has been a broader trend recently in blood donation, yea; it doesn’t really make sense anymore (and never really made much sense to begin with) to single out groups when, for example, we can effectively screen potential blood contaminants and a significant plurality of people who contract HIV/AIDS are heterosexual