• These records were obtained by the Associated Press following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made to the Bureau of Prisons. Personally, I doubt that this information will do much to dispel the popular theory that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. However, they do provide some transparency regarding the days leading up to his death, including an apparent suicide attempt in July 2019.

    The documents point to mismanagement and staffing problems that led to a lack of supervision and Epstein’s resulting death. It’s a painfully mundane and believable explanation… but even if the two guards assigned to watch Epstein that night were literally asleep on the job, it’s hard to imagine that everyone else at the Department of Justice was sleeping on the importance of keeping him alive. This was a high profile case, and at least a few people outside of that correctional facility were keeping their eyes on it; that’s all but certain.